Saturday, December 13, 2014

New bishops in Katowice – Republic

 Archbishop Victor Skworc (center) with new bishops: Fr. Mark Szkudło (left) and Adam Wodarczykiem (the law) cs (

The Archbishop Victor Skworc (center) with new bishops: Fr. Mark Szkudło (left) and Adam Wodarczykiem (the law) cs (


Bishop Mark Szkudło

The bishop Marek Szkudło


Bishop Adam Wodarczyk

Bishop Adam Wodarczyk

Source: www.archidiecezja.katowice .com

Pope Francis on Saturday appointed two auxiliary bishops for Katowice archdiocese.

Experienced priests – priests and Adam Marek Szkudło Wodarczyk – were auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Katowice. The first was for many years a pastor, a diocesan priest miners, dealt with the formation of the clergy in the diocese. The second is an evangelizer, the main responsible for the Light-Life Movement, forming young people and families.

The bishop nominee Mark Szkudło was born in 1952. In Tychy. He was ordained by Bishop received the Herbert Bednorz in 1978 at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Katowice. In the years 1994-2012 he was pastor of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church in the Hawk-Zdroj. Recently, he served as Episcopal Vicar for. Permanent formation of priests, belongs to the College of Consultors and the Council of the archdiocese of Leviticus. Also chairs the Committee. Clergy and is a member of the Central Committee of the Synod of the Archdiocese of Katowice II.

The bishop nominee Adam Wodarczyk was born in 1968 in Tarnów Mountains. Ordination to the priesthood gave him in 1994. At the Cathedral of Christ the King in Katowice Archbishop Damian Zimoń. From his early youth belongs to the Light-Life Movement. There has undergone a thorough formation: he was an animator and moderator of the parish community, many oases of retreat, as well as a moderator of diakonia as part of traffic on the diocesan level. It is also the cause for the beatification of the Servant of God Fr. Francis Blachnickiego. In recent years, he served as General moderator Light-Life Movement.

The Episcopal Ordination of two priests take the January 6, 2015 hrs year. 12 at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Katowice. “Divine Providence episcopal ordination will take place on the day of the inauguration of the celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the founding of our local Church. Therefore, I ask you to pray for the Bishops of nominees to be able to serve the Church fruitfully and effectively support the Katowice his shepherd “- wrote in a special message to the diocese, Archbishop Victor Skworc, Metropolitan of Katowice and added that all the bishops of the day will take part in the afternoon Orszaku Three Kings, which the chair. 18 ends with a concert of Christmas carols in Katowice.

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