Robert Lapinski, editor of the “Secret Service”, said social media that belongs to the company Idea Ahead no longer has the rights to the brand. They returned to the owner, or the company Bronwald, which is headed by Waldemar “Pegasus Ass” Nowak. With the passing Nowak before the release of the second number, roads and Bronwaldu Idea Ahead spread, but no one imagined that as a consequence, this means the end of the “Secret Service”.
Łapiński not abandoned but the thought of working on magazine about games. The Secret Service is changing so the name – at the end of January, the sale will be the first issue of “Pixel”. The editorial board will remain unchanged – at the head of the magazine will become Peter Mankowski, editor-in-chief of the “Secret Service” and the magazine itself, as opposed to the “SS”, will be 116-page monthly magazine, published on high quality paper with a new layout. “Pixel” is obviously a reference to the Pixel Heaven – gaming festival, organized by Robert Łapiński in Warsaw.
Robert Łapiński also referred to the concerns people have paid money to “Secret Service” at the collection site. “
Everyone who supported the action but a penny, you will receive codes to allow free access to the next issue (Web, Google Play AppStore). All those who have decided to share time on the award of the printed version of the magazine (regardless of the amount of releases), receive a free new issue of our magazine on paper, with the consignment on Polish territory. Those who were to receive six subsequent releases, will also receive the next edition of “free” – that is still a total of five numbers instead of four. In this way, we allow you to assess whether it is still worth to be with us. “
And so we wait for the first issue of “Pixel”. Let us hope that the successor of “Secret Service” will be showed longer than its predecessor …
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