Thursday, February 4, 2016

Apple for subsequent deliberate theft of patents would have to pay $ 625 million – Virtual Poland

  US federal court in Texas ruled that the company Apple is guilty of deliberate infringement of four patents the company VirnetX. For the benefit of the injured party ordered to pay damages in the amount of 625.6 million dollars – to inform the media.

 Portal AppleInsider notes that hearing the case against the concern of Cupertino federal court of East Texas in the past repeatedly zasądzał damages to the patent owners. This time we found that the service Apple’s FaceTime, iMessage, VPN (Virtual Private Network), as well as devices that use these solutions infringe intellectual property VirnetX. The first two of these are one of the main recognizable vertebral iOS, it is based on the iPhone.

 This is the second judgment in this case. For the first time the court has judged a penalty in the amount of 368.2 million in the case, which began in 2012, but the verdict of that process was revoked in September 2015. US appeals court ordered the repetition of the procedure. VirnetX this time sought compensation in the amount of 532 million , but the court eventually increased it to over 625 million . Explained his decision a conscious and continuous violations of patents.

 This is not the first time VirnetX asked the court in connection with the violation of their patent. In 2010, the court granted them 200 million damages from Microsoft, and in 2014 another 23 million on on Skype. VirnetX is a company offering Internet security solution, which has a number of patents relating to, among others, network security 4G / LTE. It has also developed a number of programs that provide secure communications in real time.


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