Adam Donenfeld, principal investigator of mobile security at Check Point, revealed that discovered until four so. vulnerability in Android devices with chipsets Qualcommu (the company is the world’s largest provider of LTE chipsets, is 65 per cent. market share of the Android ecosystem).
These gaps are called Quadrooter. Using them, the attacker can gain full control over the device and be given the unrestricted access to the data. Vulnerabilities can also provide opportunity to acquire passwords, track position using GPS and video recording and ambient sound. Among the vulnerable are the top devices, as .: Samsung Galaxy S7, Sony Xperia Z Ultra Google Nexus 5X or version 6, the HTC One M9 and HTC 10, flagship of LG (G4, G5 and V10), and the Motorola Moto X and the BlackBerry Priv.
the solution probelmów vulnerabilities in Android will not be easy. He noted Michael Shaulov, head of mobile products at Check Point, exposed drivers are installed on devices by the manufacturer at the factory. Any holes can be repaired only by installing patches supplied by manufacturers. However, you can create them only after receiving appropriate new driver packages from Qualcomm.
– Gaps such as QuadRooter force us to revisit the challenge of security of Android devices and their data. In this case, the supply chain is complex, which means that all patches should be added and tested on Android devices separately. This process can take months, leaving the device vulnerabilities, where users often are not aware of. Unfortunately, the process updateable zabezpiczeń Android is faulty and should be changed as soon as possible – emphasizes Michael Shaulov.
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