Sunday, August 14, 2016

Night of Fallen Stars. Today also awaits us Perseid shower – Messages RadioZet

The so-called maximum of the Perseid shower is expected in the night from Friday to Saturday. The sky should look once it gets dark. A swarm of shooting stars – if the weather allows it – will be visible for almost the whole night.

According to scientists from NASA at this time the sky will be able to observe up to 200 meteors per hour. There are also more cautious forecast (saying, for example. 120 meteorite), but they all boil down to one: the night from 12th to 13th August is to be unique.

Perseids, what are they?

Night of Fallen Stars is a merit of the comet Swift-Tuttle, which orbits the Sun – its full circuit around our nearest star takes 133 years . Earth each year during the summer falls into the cloud left by the comet. The remains, and more precisely the comet particles fall into our atmosphere at up to 59 km / h. With this speed we can observe luminous lines that illuminate the sky. The view – absolutely fantastic.

This year, things will be even greater because of the gravitational force of Jupiter. Thanks to the Earth in 2016 will be in the center of the cloud Perseids! As a rule our planet barely touches on its edge.

Night of Fallen Stars, when I watch?

If you miss the night of 12 on August 13, it’s still nothing is lost. Spectacular views of the night sky can be observed for a few nights. They will not be so spectacular.

In that place the sky should look at?

The easiest way to locate the beginning of a meteor shower is to find the constellation Perseus. This is where we should see the beginning of the path of cosmic particles falling into our atmosferę.Jeśli not know the stars, do not worry. The view will be so proven, that certainly notice the sky all the Perseids.

Watch in the cities

Those who will be in the cities also will have a chance to observe the Perseids. In Warsaw common observations on Friday August 12 (from hrs. 21) prepares the Copernicus Science Centre. Watching the phenomenon facilitate off illumination Copernicus Science Centre, a planetarium sky Copernicus and highlights Discovery Park. In addition, Municipal Roads turn off the illumination of bridges: Świętokrzyskie Silesian-Dąbrowski and Poniatowski. They go out the lights in the Square Kahla, in glass exits the tunnel Wisłostrada in Discovery Park and some light at the exit of the Metro Copernicus Science Centre. PGE National switched off for the night illumination of the stadium.

Also Tri-City residents will be able to jointly look out for “falling stars”, and for a few days – from 9 to 14 August of hours. 21 to midnight. The event “Night Snooping Universe” organized there Gdansk Hewelianum Centre. For six nights lanterns at the Center Hewelianum will be covered with red foil to facilitate observation. Each participant will get your card observation and will be able to list the registered meteors.

Radio ZET / / PAP / ls / MW


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