Thursday, August 11, 2016

Perseids – an unusual astronomical phenomenon for everyone –

popularly called the Perseids shooting stars, because it looks at first glance. The nature of these phenomena, however, is completely different, unrelated to the stars. – It’s actually burning up in the upper atmosphere particles of dust left by the comet, which returns to Earth every 133 years – explains Karol Wojcicki.

Perseid radiant is in the constellation of Perseus – hence the name. They are also known as the “tears of St. Lawrence”. Maximum swarm falls on the night of 12 on August 13. We’ll see if their 100-120 per hour. But this year, already the night, waiting for us bonus. – Once every 12 years it happens extraordinary story: quite strong peak due to the strong gravity of Jupiter, which pushes additional cloud particles. The phenomenon is earlier, or from Thursday to Friday at approx. 2. For a short time we will see up to 200 Perseids per hour – says Wojcicki.

Perseids best to observe the course outside the city, in dark places, but the chance to capture the Perseids is also in urban areas. You have to position yourself in a place where no light shines on the eyes – the balcony, clearing the roof. – You should lie down or reclining, what great will give a mat, blanket or chaise. In the first half we look at the eastern horizon, and already after midnight on the sky. If we are patient, every few minutes we will see Perseids – we recommend our interlocutor.

That night, all optical instruments we can hide, they will only disturb. Observation make “naked” eye. In many cities, observatories and scientific institutions organize joint watching Perseids. The Copernicus Science Centre to start on Friday at. 21. – It’s unusual to experience such emotions with other people. This can be seen in the CSC, where after passing Perseid several thousand crowd cheers, as if Poland national team scored a goal German – marks Wojcicki.

Although scientists have not confirmed or” shooting stars “have a magical power, but just in case, well to prepare a wish list. – I assume that if someone really about something dreams, it would come true, but it does not hurt to express this, looking at the sky! – He argues.

Did you picture Perseid? We are waiting for photographs at redaktor_wydania grupaonet @ .com. We ask that your message was to consent to the publication of photographs on pages Onet.



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