Tuesday, July 5, 2016

This new chapter in space exploration – Juno spacecraft is now orbiting Jupiter – Spider’s Web

Huawei scored a major slip-up image-building. The company, whose marketing for some time stands photos, deceived in their promotional materials. Advertising photography has made no smartphone, a professional SLR for 20 thousand. zł.

Huawei P9 is the last hit the Chinese. The smartphone has many advantages, but Huawei in the transmission marketing puts everything on one card. For advertising and big screens can only see one thing: Robert Lewandowski dual camera.

Huawei so zapędziło in this promotion that eventually went a step too far. Profile Huawei Mobile on Google+ appeared in a photograph taken … SLR. More specifically, the professional body of the Canon 5D Mark III with an even more professional telephoto lens 70-200mm f / 2.8L. It is a set costing approx. 20 thousand. zł.

One thing understatement too much

Photo & # x119; a profile of Huawei  Mobile Google+

Photo of the profile of Huawei Mobile on Google +

Knocked lies in the fact that Huawei clearly suggested that the photograph was created using a smartphone. None he did not say so explicitly, but the description is clear:

we were able to catch a beautiful sunrise with delightful Ella. Two cameras Leica Huawei P9 make taking pictures in low light such as here, is the same pleasure. Rediscover mobile photograph and share with us a photo of sunrise. #OO

What’s more, a gallery in Google+ itself shows next to the image EXIF ​​data, where you could see at a glance, what equipment the picture is taken. the entry has been deleted from Google +.


Huawei referred to the case by sending the official position of the site androidpolice.com, who probably first noticed scam. Huawei explains that photograph with the Canon was formed during the recording of the ad Huawei P9 and was to be the inspiration for the community. At the same time the company apologizes for inaccurate description and photos claims that mislead customers was not her intention.

Yes, Huawei did not say that the image was created using a smartphone. Indeed, in today’s world (mainly marketing) is based on stars, Annotations, understatements and wodzeniu client’s nose. The question is whether we agree to it.

Such practices especially irritated me. I do not give a catch on the substituted image, but I am convinced that it is quite a large group of customers who will swallow the hook. You may not run after customers straight to the store, but your subconscious does. Even people who are supposedly immune to advertising.

A was enough to show the picture P9

The camera Huawei P9 is doing really great pictures, so I am surprised that the marketing of the company resorted to such tricks. The smartphone also can blur the background and it can also make a romantic picture. As an example, we may use my personnel, without any treatment, straight from P9. It was enough to warm the white balance, and the effects are very pleasant. Apparently, he says that even the profile of Huawei Mobile, which provided my pic.

Meanwhile, the photograph of Google+ is evident fraud, which can be seen at a glance. This image could not be made smartphone for several reasons.

First, the angle of view. All smartphones have a wide viewing angle, while Elli photograph is made on the portrait, long focal length. This can be seen in the proportions of the foreground to the background and in the absence of distortion and exaggeration.

Second, bokeh. blur the background in a photograph promotional clearly points to the use of advanced camera. The background is completely blurred, and the depth of field is so shallow that the elbow in the foreground begins to fall out of focus area. Such an effect can not be obtained on the smartphone, and certainly not from such a distance, from which the image was captured. You might be able to simulate a similar effect on the long, arduous working in a professional tool such as Photoshop.

Third flares. Flare obtained in the corner of the photo clearly shows the large lens. It lustrzankowy character. The small lenses smartphones also often create reflections, but they are small and usually very ugly. Meanwhile, the flare of the SLR can be creatively used as a means of artistic expression.

Knocked Huawei is not the first and probably will not be the last in the world of smartphones advertising. For their ears also had Nokia, who tried to convince us that the Lumia 920 has a better stabilization, than in reality.

In such moments even more I appreciate Apple’s campaign “Shot on iPhone.” It’s TV ads and billboards made Apple smartphones. As you can see, it does not need to resort to low tricks to impress the recipient.


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