this week my own eyes I saw how the future of virtual entertainment. I had the opportunity to test virtual reality goggles Sony, HTC and Oculus. It’s a good starting point for comparison of all three systems VR.
This was an extraordinary week!
on Wednesday I went to individual screenings goggles Vive to the headquarters of HTC (video footage I put later in the article). The equipment I wore for more than 30 minutes. I could so to test quite a lot of variety of games and applications.
On Friday, in turn, went on the premiere screenings goggles from Sony & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; PlayStation VR . I spent over an hour testing at least 5 different games. It is this VR system will tell you the most today.
Later that day I was in contact with goggles Oculus Rift where I had the opportunity to play in the Chernobyl VR. The fact certainly interesting project, I wrote in the pages of Gadżetomanii yesterday. Today I will focus therefore on the same goggles, rather than their relation to competing solutions. Here we go!
Image quality. It’s a surprise!
Speaking of image quality, I mean a very broad category. I include it not only the resolution and quality of the display, but also the field of view, or even refresh rate. This parameter, in my understanding, therefore depends on the display image processor and lenses used.
All three Headsety have built-in OLED screens. They are characterized by very high contrast so i & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; what is important & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; low latency. But different resolution. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive have built 2 Screens & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; one for each eye, and the Playstation VR & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; only one.
Display the goggles Sony has a diagonal 5.7 inches and a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels . This gives you 1080 x 960 pixels for each eye, which is less than the competition. Both the HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift generate for 1200 x 1080 pixels for each eye. Is this noticeable in practice?
Assuming PlayStation VR I was pretty sure that I will see a grid of pixels, which falls pale in comparison with Vivem, which tested two days earlier. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that the differences & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; yes & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; they are, but in favor of Sony.
PlayStation VR & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; in theory the worst. And in practice?
The goggles that producer pixel grid is visible least. Pixels take up more space, and the gaps between them are like narrower. The result is that we feel more coherent image , which in theory is after all much less detailed.
The reasons for this may be two. First, Sony added an additional layer to the display – Grid diffusion , which “connects” adjacent pixels and causes the above-mentioned “coherence” of the image. Secondly, Sony had matched the dimensions of lenses used to the dimensions of the display. The Japanese company minimized the same effect of slightly lower resolution for final approval of the content of VR.
Matrix Full RGB is not breathtaking
Sony boasts Moreover, the use of a matrix Full RGB, which means so that each pixel is composed of three full subpixels (red, green and blue). There is no such sub-pixels in common. As a result, the image generated by VR goggles PlayStation is characterized by richer, more saturated colors.
To be honest I did not notice much of a difference. As for me, all three systems VR generate more less colorful and less saturated image . Probably this is related to restrictions optical goggles. I think that this aspect will be refined with the release of the next generation of VR.
The field of view and refresh
HTC is reportedly the largest field of view (110 degrees ). Right behind him is the Oculus, and finally the PlayStation VR (100 degrees). The differences in the specification are so small, which also translates into reality.
The Vive actually see a little bit more. Between the oculus, a PlayStation while not signed up any difference. In both cases, we look through the wide, black tunnel, which, however, very quickly our brain starts to ignore. Immersion doing her after a few minutes rubbing any differences.
In favor of the proposal while Sony speaks refresh rate. The PlayStation VR is she up 120 Hz . Competitors offer “only” 90 Consciously not signed up any difference. But I think that after a few hours of play already issued with one I felt. Certainly a large number of Hertz useful for people who suffer nausea while using the goggles. With the rapid refreshes the labyrinth of human haywire less.
Chapter 2: immersion and controllers
I that the best introduction to the chapter on immersion, will be my record with headquarters HTC and immortalized on the reactions of Dominica;)
the most complete experience VR
Virtual reality sucks, but that headset offers the most complete experience? The answer to this question can only be one – HTC Vive.
This is the only system VR, which allows us to complete freedom of movement. We need not therefore be limited to looking around his head and waving his hands. After the virtual environment are moving, moving around the environment real.
This allows us to set consisting of two controllers motor (equipped with gyroscopes and accelerometers) and two “lighthouse” – sensors mounted in the corners of the room, whose main task is to detect our position in space.
PlayStation VR track can only be the location of our head (cam PlayStation) and hand movements (2 controllers PlayStation Move). Rift in turn offers controllers Oculus Touch & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; I have not had the opportunity yet to test, however.
Controllers? One brilliant, and the other & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; better!
If you’re using the same controllers, are those of the HTC operate more precisely. For those of Sony, I have virtually no reservations, which could in any way articulate in this episode is dedicated.
I can not point out any defects controllers Sony, and yet I felt the difference. As if to say … Controllers Sony are great. Controllers HTC & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; unbeatable.
The light in the tunnel
Maybe you’d better take care not what the virtual world us “pulls” only what distracts us and the whole storm immersion. I refer, for example, light coming into the goggles . It is present in both of the oculus heads and Sony. Only with a head HTC Vive uświadczymy total darkness and complete isolation from the outside world.
When we add a little bit larger field of view (and thus lower the effect of looking through a tunnel) is utwierdzimy up only in the belief that in terms of being drawn into the virtual world, offering from HTC is unrivaled.
it is impossible not to mention the fact that all 3 systems They offer a great immersion in the game world. After a few minutes, completely forget about some rays of light or part of the field of view. In this state is the easiest and fastest falls in with Vive’a.
Chapter 3: Convenience is the key parameter!
I saw recently on the YouTube video where the guy was trying to establish a Guinness record in the length of time spent without interruption in virtual reality. He managed to withstand 25 hours. The average user goggle VR will surely satisfy many times shorter gameplay, but after all, ease of use and ergonomics goggles, is a very important factor.
As the chapter on immersion, so he begin posting his video. You’ll see on it how I tested goggles PlayStation VR and will hear my opinion about them in a more abbreviated and truncated form:
The biggest deficiency HTC Vive
All tested goggles proved to be quite comfortable. No they never oppressed or specifically not be detrimental. Easily noticed, however, some differences.
This, as in the previous paragraph, passed as an advantage Vive’a, this time must be considered a serious fault. Speech, of course, totally enclosed design that isolates us from the outside world. Unfortunately, the “isolate” it from us as well … air.
Once downloaded goggles HTC, my whole upper part of his face was sweaty. I’m not talking about light moisture and abundant drops of sweat. Headset is virtually do not breathe . Personally, I would not be able to over the years, use it for longer than half an hour.
The most comfortable goggles
The Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR are comfortable and well dissipate warm air. Favorite may be only one. In this case, this is definitely the solution for Sony.
On paper, the Japanese VR weighs the most (up to 610 grams). On his head to feel it the least! Instead belts in Oculusie (which, however, feel a little) we get a special crown. Goggles are hooked on the front and somehow “hang” before our eyes.
Weight is fully distributed evenly to the extent that very soon we forget that we have anything on his head. Additionally, goggles Sony offer the best air circulation , which makes them the undisputed favorite when it comes to comfort and ergonomics.
PlayStation VR very nicely designed also focusing system. Just press a button and the front of the goggles will be able to calmly rozsuwać and slide down and away or approaching the screen from the eyes. When we find the optimal setting, just let go of the button, the headset will lock in position. Solution quick and smooth.
Chapter 4: Ecosystem
PlayStation VR connected to the PlayStation 4, and Vive and Rift & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; to a PC. This unit must meet certain performance criteria, so the case is a little more complicated. You have to have such a powerful graphics card (Nvidia minimum GTX 970 ). The result is that in addition to the goggles, we still have to spend a lot of money on a powerful PC-ta.
PlayStation VR is like the iPhone
Ecosystem Sony while consistent. Just buy 2 specific products and we have a set of Plug & amp; Play . There is no choice here, doubts and dilemmas. At the same time possessing a set, we guarantee that everything will run smoothly and seamlessly. It’s a bit like the iPhones in which the hardware and software corresponding to the same company. It is with this, Apple smartphones running stably and smoothly.
HTC and Oculus remind me instead of Android. Apparently open and easy to modify, but sometimes causes problems. It has a higher hardware requirements and is less supported. The analogy between mobile systems and goggles virtual reality therefore seems quite sensible.
Games for goggle VR
The peaks of realism thanks to HTC
the HTC Vive I had the opportunity to play a few games and technology demos. I, for example, visitors diver ship wreck resting on the bottom. The HTC allowed me to move freely around the deck. I could even lean out the railing and look down on the sea vegetation and fish swimming at the bottom.
Then I moved onto the roof of a futuristic skyscraper. I fought there with flying robots around me. Owned two guns, which fired all round as quickly as possible. I had complete freedom of movement, which przydawało to do before dodging arrows fall: the drones.
Most impressive, however, a game in which we defend yourself against zombies. In his right hand holding a gun and a flashlight in his left. The same is not enough to look around. You still need to illuminate each environment. Immersion is powerful, and using a flashlight in the game is completely different way from the use of this object in the real world. adds spice to the fact that you need to conserve ammo. So we aim a gun at his head. Needless to say how much this all seems realistic …
The future of video games by Sony
While in HTC presented the game were rather short productions demonstration and demonstration of system capabilities, with so much at Sony had the opportunity to play a few full-fledged production.
the most I liked the game London Heist . I had the opportunity to take part in a chase scene. I sat in the car next to the driver and fired into the charging opponents on motorcycles. In the virtual world you have seen their hands (Move controllers), which could do almost anything & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; open all compartments of the vehicle, and even handle mounted on the radio. At some point I picked up the gun and began to fight.
Killer-feature was a way for me to reload the magazine. To do this we had with the other hand to open the clipboard, and then grab a magazine and … actually, insert it into the gun. Cool, very increasing the realism of the game.
I liked the game Battlezone where I led a very dynamic battle tank and rigs which in turn are fighting a huge mech. But you have to switch to a new type of control. The game Rigs we aim for the head, looking in the right direction. Besides, we use a regular controller PS4.
It should be noted that most of the presented games did not use controllers Move, which significantly reduced the immersion and meant that reminded of that, however, still only console game.
Chapter 6: the only legitimate favorite?
to be honest, I’m in shock. Previously, I had what a true contact with the VR goggles, but they were very short episodes, which is not enough for a full immersion in the virtual world.
Now I had such an opportunity. Within a few days immersed in an extremely realistic reality HTC visited but fascinating universe PlayStation VR and połaziłem after Chernobyl goggles Oculus Rift.
HTC Vive is the most complete sensation and the most developed system . I just wonder if finding the empty space with an area of 9 square meters will not be a problem for some. It seems to me that hardly anyone will be able to afford to make full use of the possibilities offered by Vive. Ingeniously it is to play in a specially adapted room. But at home …? I have mixed feelings.
PlayStation VR is in turn a total opposite of HTC Vive. It does not require large space nor requires the computer. Just console chair, and you can immerse yourself in another world. You can even say that achieving a satisfactory level of immersion in goggles Sony is much simpler, easier and faster than in the complex system of HTC.
Uneven valuation
If the add to this the price, the conclusions suggest themselves. HTC Vive costing $ 800 and PlayStation VR only 400 . Also, more than 2 times cheaper computing unit is required to play the VR. For a computer that uciągnie Vive’a pay a minimum of 4,000 dollars. For PS4 & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; only in 1500.
I deliberately write about Oculusie least. Firstly, because at least it thoroughly tested. A second & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; this is my opinion worse and leaner version of the HTC Vive. Rough image quality and immersion and the lack (so far) controllers motor mean that if VR is only from HTC or Sony.
Interestingly, my opinion is confirmed by the latest statistics platform Steam. It turns out that HTC Vive has two and a half times more users than the Oculus Rift. In total, the creator of Steam estimate that users with VR goggles (Oculus or HTC) is now 200-250 thousand .
only one goggle achieve commercial success
Consoles PlayStation 4 has now almost 50 million people . VR viewer will be able to buy it at a price of about 1600 zł. If Sony well lead marketing campaign, a large part of them decides to buy such a supplement because it is actually a completely new and (do not be afraid of the word!) – revolution.
in my opinion, the worst and the most modest scenario would be a situation in which every tenth player vying to for their PS4 VR goggles PS. Note, however, that it will continue this way … 5 million copies, more than 20 times than all the competition put together!
Furthermore, the 1600 zł this starting price, which will gradually decrease after. In about 2-3 years PS VR will surely be available bundled with PS4 costing, for example, 2500 zł. I do not know about you, but I’d take a blind!
Competition doomed to failure?
Not really. Entry into the system Sony will be cheap, but its use has not. PlayStation has always been expensive. Perhaps productions compatible with VR will be even more expensive.
In the case of goggles connected to the computer, we will have greater flexibility in selecting sources in games. Many players will satisfy the pirate copies. Show here will also be able independent modeler designing additions and modifications to the applications and games.
After all, that’s what Sony will revolutionize the market for video games and introduce virtual reality to the masses. I think that already 2-3 years VR goggles will be commonplace in the gaming community. Most people will be immersed in the environment, Sony, and those most hardcore and wealthy & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; environment HTC or possibly Oculus.
The technological revolution
Virtual reality amazed me. I did not expect that the first (historic!) generation of VR goggles will be the extent polished and … consumer. This is a completely new chapter in the history of video games. I would venture to say that in the history of technology & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; as well. Virtual Reality is a revolution as the revolution smartphones. Now everyone has them. In 10 years everyone will have goggles on his head. It’s a bit sad, but that’s what I think.
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TL; DR;)
Which goggles, I would like to get from St. Claus?
HTC Vive
Which goggles I would have bought it?
Sony PlayStation VR
Which goggles provide the greatest immersion?
HTC Vive
Which are the most comfortable goggles ?
Sony PlayStation VR
Which goggles are the best?
HTC Vive
Which achieve market success and will revolutionize the industry?
Sony PlayStation VR
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