Monday, May 9, 2016

The police will follow us drones! – Interia

Drivers and pedestrians offenders will register the unmanned aircraft. It must look like an innovative solution tested by the Silesian traffic police. Running tests is possible thanks to the cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology.

The Department of Traffic Police in Katowice began testing the drone designed the Silesian University of Technology. It is to be used for activities related to the improvement of road safety.

Only this year Silesian roads in the area of ​​pedestrian crossings occurred nearly 200 traffic accidents in which 11 people were killed and 195 suffered serious injuries. Such a high number of human tragedies forcing police officers to take special initiatives to improve safety belts. Therefore, the first unmanned aircraft has been tested in the area of ​​Katowice pedestrian crossings.

The device in advance, each time for several minutes, in several places recorded the behavior of road users . Especially eye of the camera was directed at the use of the road users to the traffic light, the right to cross the road by pedestrians as well as offenses in relation control-Foot such as Not yielding to a pedestrian on the “belts”, overtaking or bypassing of vehicles that they intend to pass pedestrians to to “zebra” or close to it. Mind the cameras do not escape well as common offenses as failure to use seat belts or using a mobile phone while driving.

A few hundred meters from the place under the supervision of a police patrol equipped with a laptop, so that uniforms online can see the image of camera placed on Droni stops of drivers, who a few seconds earlier did not comply with the traffic laws. In addition, the area observed by the drone belts “another patrol control people walking, which improperly crossed the road.

The inaugural, several hours tests showed how many participants roads neglected duty extreme caution in the vicinity of pedestrian crossings. This innovative method probably will have its continuation in other cities of the province of Silesia, in particularly dangerous

the tests precede the possibility of concluding an agreement by the Commander of the Provincial Police in Katowice with the Director of Center for Civil Aviation Personnel Education in the area of ​​use of unmanned aircraft police action. it should be added that may be helpful are also at protecting mass gatherings, or during search for missing persons. conducted tests may result in equipment police drones and training of police officers – their licensed operators. (p)

Police begin tests “drones” / Police


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