Sunday, March 30, 2014

Defenders of life came more than atheists - Republic

Defenders of life came more than atheists - Republic

Demonstrations atheists can mobilize Catholics to set themselves fundamental questions about the motivations of their faith – said Cardinal. Kazimierz Nycz participants 
 IX March Holiness of Life.

Marching under the slogan “He, she, from conception” under the leadership of Metropolitan of Warsaw, Cardinal. Nycz and Ordinary of the Diocese of Warsaw-Prague Archbishop. Henryk Hoser set off yesterday from Castle Square in Warsaw . With banners “Every child is a gift from heaven” or “Genderyzm – dangerous disease XXI Century” under the basilica of St. Cross in Krakow suburb over more than 1000 people.

Face of the procession were members of the Catholic Association of the Disabled, who carried the prescribed manually on a 30-meter canvas words homily John Paul II. “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without a future” – said the Pope in 1997, during

the sixth pilgrimage to Polish.

According to the Cardinal. Nycz march is to bear witness to basic values ​​such as human life. – Human life is sacred, both that which is at the heart of the mother and the old man – reminded.

I referred to the march of atheists, who on Saturday went through the streets of the capital and ended the reconstruction of execution Casimir Lyszczynski, XVII -century author of the treatise przeczącego the existence of God. The demonstrators (there were about 300) were carrying signs with the names of famous people who are atheists, including Alfred Nobel, Stanislaw Lem, Roman Polanski, Paul McCartney and Brad Pitt.

– These marches may mobilize Catholics to this, to try to accomplish some fundamental questions about the motivations of their faith, why believe? What are my beliefs? How do I express it? – Said Cardinal. Nycz.



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Facebook is working on drones - eGospodarka

American company will work on sunny powered drones to provide Internet access to every person on Earth. Everything is done in the framework of the

The idea of ​​drones, which have to provide access to the Internet across the globe has been presented by Connectivity Lab, in collaboration with NASA scientists. They are to be powered by solar energy, hovering at about 20 thousand. meters for a long time. Their task will be to give the possibility of access to the Internet for people who do not. According to statistics, it is about two thirds of humanity. project aims to create opportunities for access to the Internet for everyone. Involved in

it are companies such as Facebook, nokia , Samsung , Qualcomm, Opera and many others. Among the plans developers is to create bands of data in countries where they do not exist, the introduction of new technologies such as drones designed by Facebook.

In March Facebook bought Titan Aerospace company, dedicated to designing and building drones.