Friday, December 20, 2013

Starts production and sale of Polish graphene -

Startuje production and sale of Polish grafenu

photo University of Exeter / CC / Flickr

belonging to the Industrial Development Agency, the company Nano Carbon, whose strategic partner is the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME), officially launched the production of graphene and its online sales. Completed project is the first successful attempt in Poland commercialization of graphene, utilizing the achievements of Polish scientific institutions. The production of graphene for the research and development sector, will intensify the work on its application in various areas of the economy. This is the first stage of construction of the Centre Grafenowego based on global position ITME, integrating activities in the field of scientific research, personnel training and technology transfer.

Start an Internet sales channel graphene formula online store became possible after reaching the Nano Carbon ability to produce graphene in a standardized process and its mass production on substrates of copper and silicon carbide. This event is the culmination of the first phase of the commercialization of graphene research initiated two years ago by the Industrial Development Agency

I am glad that Poland managed to develop and implement cutting-edge technology based on Polish patent. ARP SA effectively supports the development of innovative economy, the best proof is today launching the sale of graphene meant de facto entrance to the Agency’s portfolio of premier league hi-tech products – said Wojciech Dabrowski, CEO of IDA

Industrial Development Agency undertook to commercialize graphene in 2011, based on close cooperation with the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology in Warsaw (ITME). Then a special purpose vehicle established Nano Carbon, whose main task was to identify and commercial use of technologies that use graphene. Was also purchased for the ITME specialized research equipment. At the moment, using the infrastructure of graphene is produced ITME copper and silicon carbide with a very high quality, thus predestined for use in electronics. Investment project has been launched, which will allow for production in the first quarter of 2014 sheets of graphene on copper foil with dimensions of 300x300mm, while maintaining the current quality. Parallel Nano Carbon launches online sales channel that will allow you to manage orders and adjust production to the needs of specific research and development units operating in Poland and in the world.

Start Internet sales channel graphene formula online store became possible after reaching the Nano Carbon ability to produce graphene in a standardized process and its mass production of copper substrates and silicon carbide.

– Use of graphene covers virtually all areas of life. This material is a hundred times more durable than steel, is both flexible and stretchable, is hydrophobic, has antibacterial properties, is transparent, conducts electricity better than copper or silver, transfers electrons one hundred times faster than silicon adds the CEO ARP.

Polish graphene is characterized by the highest possible quality to document the resulting master the unique technology of its manufacture

and use of substrates. Since 2006, the production of graphene by epitaxy (silicon carbide and metallic substrates) has a team of dr. Vladimir Strupi?skiego from the Warsaw Institute of Electronic Materials Technology. In 2011, the Polish scientists from ITME invented a novel method of producing graphene layers on a substrate of silicon carbide. Since 2011, the Polish method of culturing graphene on silicon carbide is covered by an international patent.

– Taking into account that in the generation and application of graphene comes every year hundreds of patents on an international character, it is necessary to start fast-track financial decision-making by the relevant government authorities, but also enterprises, especially state treasury. Only then acquired by ITME position can be maintained – said Zygmunt ?uczy?ski, Director of ITME.

Zygmunt ?uczy?ski emphasizes that we are witnessing the event without precedent, because in terms of commercial sales of the product only after three years from the Nobel Prize for his work on it. ?uczy?ski warned that in Poland there have been cases when a scientific program very well developed, but after some time the person responsible for the allocation of resources driven by money for other projects.

Head ITME said that there is no guarantee that graphene will be the subject of leadership in the Polish economy (…), but it is certain that if the project will not be developed, a group of dozens of scientists, specialists in field of graphene, which has already been a lot of money, find a job elsewhere.

Start by Nano Carbon, in cooperation with the ITME, production and online sales channel graphene is a measurable success IDA group companies, introducing her to the world’s elite group of players on the high-tech. Establish action plans to start manufacturing and selling a wide range of graphene and strategic alliances with global partners – cooperation in product sales and technology licensing.

One of the directions taken by the commercialization of graphene ITME, Nano Carbon and Nitrogen Works in Tarnów Mo?cicach is the development and marketing of a graphene flake – produced through the processing of graphite – and a new generation of engineering plastics based on its use.

key factor supporting growth opportunities Nano Carbon is the high international position ITME. In October 2013, took the Graphene Flagship program (GF), an initiative of EU funding for research on graphene, for which it was designed in the horizon of 10 years bud?etw 1 billion euros. For the management of the Programme GF was selected as a representative of ITME Dr. W. Strupi?ski.

– We were able to fasten the power of invention, energy financiers and state aid. This historic achievement and Polish – said Prime Minister Donald Tusk during Wednesday’s ceremony to mark the start of the Polish production of graphene. The Prime Minister stressed that this quick start production of graphene is like a pilot for other similar projects.

– We have the infrastructure, we have a product, (…), can be produced at a competitive price (…), but it is not enough to maintain in the future. The need for strong and flexible action, you have to use all the opportunities that lie ahead said Dabrowski and announced the construction of the Centre Grafenowego. He pointed out that the machine was ordered that in the first quarter of 2014, will be installed and will begin production of high quality graphene on copper.

– This machine and our knowledge will produce graphene with sizes 30x30cm. Not long ago dreamed of graphene size nails. Meanwhile, in 2016, it is planned to manufacture large-scale production of graphene on silicon carbide ARP president remarked.

Graphene is an unusual material, referred to as 2D. It is a single layer of carbon atoms, which has a unique mechanical and physical properties. Graphene has a low specific gravity, high flexibility and strength, high electrical and thermal conductivity. Graphene was invented in 2004 by Russian-British group of physicists.

Source: ARP,

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