Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The operators agreed with the regulator minimum quality of services ... -

Memorandum of Agreement with the initiative of Magdalena Gaj, President of the Office of Electronic Communications, joined a total of 44 entities. All have committed to work together to provide consumers with reliable and comparable information on indicators of availability and quality of services (Quality of Service – QoS). The attached final report is a document jointly prepared and agreed by the Initiator (UKE) and a signatory of the Memorandum.

subject of the work was to establish a list of indicators of quality of services and their precise definition, to determine methods of making objective measurements as well as the arrangements for publishing the results of measurements and reporting to the President of UKE. We analyzed different variants of the organization measurements for mobile networks, including the method of selecting an independent body to carry out these measurements and the financing costs of the measurements.

Access online services

access online services

Source: Press Room

operators will be required to publish updated results of measurements on your network and transmit them to the President of UKE. In the framework of the Memorandum was set way in which information on indicators and quality are to be presented. Each user will be able to see them in a clear table, and sometimes the comparison.

workflow Memorandum specified thresholds for individual indicators and graphically consistent and clear to consumers how they perform, guaranteeing abo ¬ nentom transparent, timely and comparable information on the quality of specific services. Adopted the following thresholds for the indicators

speed measurement data

greatest excitement among the participants of the agreement aroused indicators on access services to the Internet, so the rate of data transmission speed and the rate of delay. It was considered that the consumer should be able to verify the quality of the service from the perspective of applications, which are used in the context of access to the Internet.

Data Rate

speed data


Source: Press Room

Therefore, in this case made a more detailed breakdown of indicators established group of the most common applications and set speed limits and delays of data packets that allow you to enjoy the group.

Rules measurements in mobile networks

One of the goals set in the framework of the Memorandum is to ensure comparability of results. To this end, the following rules for the implementation of measurements in mobile networks:
• Simultaneity – at the same time the tests are performed (measurement) using the same unit or units of measurement, and parallel measurements for all operators and service for all measured ;
• The area and time of measurement is the same for all operators;
• Measurements will be carried out by an independent body;
• measurement campaigns will be carried out periodically in accordance with the adopted reporting period;
• The President of UKE has the function of control and oversight.
In order to perform measurement campaigns and further operational activities will be appointed a Steering Committee Measurements Moving Network. It will consist of equal rights for telecommunications companies, which relate to the measurements and the Office of Electronic Communications.

See also:

  • Orange: Stolen data can not hit the market »
  • UKE compares the quality of services provided by telecom operators »
  • stolen data of hundreds of thousands of subscribers in Orange. Thieves offered to sell them online »
  • 8 other cities within 4G LTE PLAY. See where you use the super-fast Internet »

Route selection measurement should take into account the population distribution of the population, traffic distribution and service area. The minimum duration of the measurement campaign is 800 hours. A minimum of 80% of the measurements will be carried out in the traffic, and the same realization of the measurements take place in the following categories area:
• agglomerations – the 6th largest Polish cities and the towns included in the Upper Silesian Industrial Region and Tri
• cities – cities of at least 50 thousand. residents, with the exception of agglomeration
• roads – sections of national roads outside the administrative boundaries and urban agglomerations.

Publication of the results of measurements

Telecommunication Businesses will be required to publish updated measurements of quality of service on its network. In contrast to the UKE website will be placed blanket statement of the quality of telecommunication services for individual reporting periods provided by the entrepreneurs.

Source: UKE

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