37 years, nothing built man landed softly on the lunar surface. The last such object was a Soviet Lunokhod 2, which went to the moon in 1973 and ran after the 37 km. From that time on the lunar surface crashed – usually scheduled – several probes of research, but no one has decided to soft landing.
Until today. About 14:11 Polish time this was accomplished Chinese l?downikowi wearer name “Jade Rabbit”. This rover similar to the well-known Mars Mars Exploration Rover vehicles. It has at least three months to explore the lunar surface in preparation for further field of Chinese actions in space – including the landing humans.
Today Chang’e 3 performed the maneuver lasted 12 minutes of landing on the moon finally settling in a place with coordinates 44.12 ° N, 19.51 ° W. In contrast to prior years, landing probe landed autonomously, without direct control from Earth.
After about 6 hours from landing on the ramps on the lunar surface rover drove himself. Jade Rabbit is moving at a speed of 200 meters per hour (Russian ?unochody reached 5 km / h) and climb up the slopes with a slope of 30 degrees.
Landing Jade Rabbit raised doubts NASA , who feared that it will interfere with the recently launched mission counter.
Even before leaving the rover lander probe sent the first image of the lunar surface:
Fig. Wang Jianmin (AP Photo / Xinhua, Wang Jianmin)
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