Tuesday, December 10, 2013

93.2 degree below zero! New record cold on Earth - Gazeta Wyborcza


Antarctica (Photo: NASA Reuters)

You complain of cold? You can be comforted – the world is sometimes much, much colder. Scientists have just informed that in Antarctica recorded the lowest temperature on record: minus 93.2 deg C.

This low temperature was registered in 2010, but only now – after re-analyzing the data – the researchers found that when record was cold. It was a remote measurement, made it NASA’s Aqua satellite and the Landsat-8, and their instruments excelled in East Antarctica. This ice desert located at an average height of 2.5 thousand. m above sea level In the very center lies the Russian Vostok station, where in 1983 there was the previous record – minus 89.2 deg C. Now, thanks to satellites discovered that the north of the Russian station – near the ridge, which connects the two highest peaks – the Dome of Arus and Dome Fuji – sometimes even a few degrees colder.

satellite data show that the absolute record fell there on a clear winter

night, August 10, 2010 the year: -93.2 deg C. Three years later – on July 31 of this year – temperature in this area again dropped to 90 degrees below zero, with this time minus 92.9 deg C. The researchers informed about this on held in San Francisco convention of the American Geophysical Union.

– It’s tens of degrees refrigerated trailer than is sometimes the coldest places inhabited by people, or in Siberia or Alaska. Colder even sometimes at the pole of Mars – said Ted Scambos of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, which analyzed data from the satellites. The record, however, is not written in the book of Guinness, as the temperature is not measured with a thermometer. At the moment there are no meteorological stations, and people rarely zap?dzaj? there, especially in winter.

– Thank God I do not know how to feel the temperature – responsible curious reporters Ted Scambos. It is known that it is better not to inhale directly so frosty air – researchers in the Arctic usually breathe through a tube in which the air is warming, before it falls into the mouth. Scambos added, however, that scientists from the Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole time for jokes jump naked into the snow at a temperature of 70 degrees below zero. Of course, only for a moment. In such circumstances, a person is able to survive up to 3 minutes.

PS. In Poland, the lowest temperature officially recorded in Siedlce, Jan. 11, 1940 years – minus 41 degrees C.

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