Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Where to watch for the first star? In the evening, three bright spots ... - Gazeta.pl

PAP, ed. K?

Star of Bethlehem is portrayed with a tail - like a comet

Star of Bethlehem is portrayed with a tail – like a comet (Photo . 123 RF)

this year being the first Christmas Eve with an asterisk have the best chance of Vega and Capella, and if we include this group planet Venus is also clear.

Tradition dictates begin Christmas Eve dinner when the sky will be the first star. This year, on the eve of Christmas sun will set around 15:30, so now between
16.00 and 16.30, we can look out at the sky the first bright objects.

– Basically three objects pretend this year to be the first asterisk. The greatest chance of a Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra. On December 24 at about 16 lights at the height of nearly 50 degrees above the western horizon – explains Arkadiusz Olech of Astronomical Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

Slightly less than Vega shines Capella, the brightest star in the constellation Auriga. We’ll find it on the opposite side of the sky, 30 degrees above the northeastern horizon.

– On Christmas Eve the brightest object in the sky is the planet Venus. We find it a few degrees above the southwestern horizon. With its ripening, even in the glow of the setting sun lit up the sky, we should not have any problems. The only thing you need is a good view of the south-western horizon – explains astronomer.

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