Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Solstice on Google: madey hat and scarf -


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popular Internet search engine, which is to celebrate all kinds of anniversaries has a habit of slightly modify its logo, and this time did not disappoint surfers. On the occasion of the winter solstice Google unveiled the logo in the form of hand knitting colorful winter accessories, or glove and scarf.

The winter solstice is a concept in the field of astronomy, but having a deep relationship with the culture, ethnology and religion.

Since the axis of rotation of the earth daily is inclined to the plane defined its movement around the sun at an angle other than 90 degrees, then as far as the movement of the Earth around the Sun observe cyclical “lowering” and “raising” the highest daily position of the sun (ie, its height above the horizon at astronomical noon). This movement of the sun n the Earth resulting in, inter alia, whether the changing seasons in a year the length of day and night.

Day, a day in which the sun in its daily maximum is located in the northern hemisphere (which is Polish ) the lowest, in the southern hemisphere to the variety of the day when the Sun is at most (the zenith, ie vertically) above the Tropic of
Capricorn. In the northern hemisphere this moment marks the beginning of astronomical winter in the southern hemisphere – the beginning of the year. The day on which there is the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. On the other side is that while the longest day.

This day is, and he also important in many religions and cultures, is because (although only in the northern hemisphere) the lengthening of the day, that is the beginning of the recovery advantage “light” the “darkness”, the beginning of the cycle of rebirth of nature, the triumph of light, of life. Winter Solstice also has adopted Christianity in the course of its historical development for the feast.

According to various studies could be born in September or March (according to others it was in December), but in the initial stage of the expansion of Christianity, when passed on not many pagans, somehow natural day “birth” of God, with particular reference to solar cults (worshiping the sun), was the day of the winter solstice, when the sun was beginning again “reign”. So the heathen feast was introduced to Christianity and modern Western culture.

But for everyone living in the northern hemisphere – not necessarily the only Western Christians (Orthodox Christians, eastern, because celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar) – Winter Solstice the beginning of winter. This is the time cold weather, snowfall. In our latitudes until January and February are the greatest period of frost and snow. So – on the advice of Google – we should get ready already scarves, gloves and hats. Winter came the now official!

Ready for animated doodle today when clicked takes you to the search term “winter solstice”.

photo Google

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