Monday, December 16, 2013

What to snap pics of the holiday [GUIDE] - Gazeta Wyborcza

digital camera or cell phone enough? Compact and maybe SLR? If you do not have a gift under the Christmas tree, read. You will learn among other things that should be avoided Olympus SLR cameras, as well as to avoid a two-year compact, because it’s “storage deposits,” and, that in a tasteful blue can get rather just bezlusterkowca.

For over 10 years I test digital cameras and describe them in the press, so it’s no surprise that friends turn to me for help.

The most interesting question I got from a cousin in Vienna, who asked for my opinion on the three cameras. At first glance it did not have a single common characteristic. Came from three manufacturers were from three different price levels, also differed radically design solutions. I could not stand and asked: – Natalia, but what they have in common? – All are blue – answered.

may u?miechn?li?cie, but then the color criterion housing is as good as any other. With our cameras is like perfume. After pow?chaniu few of them stop to follow the essence of the issue, in this case, smell, and choose the ones bottle we like the most. Currently on the market is so gigantic offer that narrowing down your choice to the hearing reputed eye is most on the spot. Best blue digital camera is easier to choose than the best camera at all …

first: a digital camera or cell phone

Is it at all is the point of buying a digital camera, since every cell phone captures photos of sensors on the number of megapixels, which dizzy

For example, Nokia Lumia 1020 features 41 megapixels, resolution, which beat only professional medium format cameras with prices of 50 thousand. dollars.

DETAILS. But the number of pixels is not the only determinant of quality. If so, a long time photographers would sell their Nikons and Canony and switched to a cell, if only because they are lighter. But, alas, here size does matter.

All through that light is not made of rubber. Its wave nature makes it possible to focus the light on forever and at some point detail image formed by the lens just to blend. The easiest way to improve the quality of reproduction of fine detail is on increasing the imaging element. So it was always – medium format cameras recorded the better picture than periapical cameras, and these were better than devices using microfilm. Except that enlarging the photosensitive element entails the need to increase the diameter and length of the lens, and this ceases to be in your mobile phone.

1020 That Lumia is not a marketing scam. Engineers realized that the pictures with a resolution of 41 megapixels, first will have a dramatic little details, and the second will be too large for the CPU capacity of the camera (as well as the mobile internet). Not to mention the fact that nobody needs until such resolution images of cells thrown on Fejsa. Therefore, this camera combines several pixels and produces images with a resolution of “barely” five megapixels, which is a reasonable size in terms of the size of the matrix and the lens Lumii 1020.

Marketing and information about the five megapixel obviously sounds worse, so is secreted somewhere deep in the manual. But thanks to this operation Lumia 1020 offers picture quality unattainable for other mobile phones (except perhaps forgotten Nokia 808 Pure View).

In terms of the size of the matrix only these two phones can start equal to struggle with digital cameras, and even the cheapest kompaktami. In other cases, the cells are throwing the towel before the game, and this is just the first round, because of the size of the matrix depends not only on the ability of mapping fine detail.

LIGHT. If the matrix is ??small and has a lot of pixels, the pixels are necessarily small light-absorbing surface, and this means that each pixel collects a very limited signal. When the signal is weak, it is easy for the problems and the signs can be what engineers call the distance the signal to noise ratio – matrix gives some information, but it’s hard to say what was the right image, and noise that the pictures revealed as tiny colored porridge . Getting rid of it requires a very strong digital processing that it really comes down to more or less subtle blurring of the image.

By the way, is one of the reasons why the sample pictures with camera phones presented by the manufacturers are made always with a very good, strong light. Then the noise matrix are barely visible. But enough little worse lighting conditions and image quality of mobile flying head over heels. And it’s not about shooting indoors or at night, but normal in December also means worse dusk lighting conditions.

Contrast. A third disadvantage of a small sensor is poor registration of contrasts. Especially when photographing interiors lit by daylight. We see a picture of the window and in the interior, and the digital camera is usually able to show or what the window, or what is inside. This is because our brain and retina of the eye make additional image processing, the camera does not.

Of course, nothing prevents to be a signal from the photosensitive matrix in a similar manner, but it must be a signal of good quality, and small sensors are not able to provide such. In short, in this round as mobile phones losing image quality of digital cameras. At least today.

CONVENIENCE. Phone always have on hand, and this is probably the main reason that digital camera manufacturers recently so strongly felt the decline in sales. On the other hand, since the camera phone must necessarily have a very small size, it is difficult to fit into the lens, it is difficult to put the switches and knobs helpful to use the camera.

A lenses are comfortable, allow you to choose a fragment the observed scene and magnify him for the entire matrix. In cell enlargement or get in the way of digital processing, or coming closer. In the first case we lose image quality, the second disorder perspective (that is why people in the portraits-made cells have such big noses).

So if we want to ease of use and image quality, better to buy a digital camera, if you just want to have a camera handy, actually a mobile phone is enough.

How to choose a digital camera

We must be aware that there is no universal devices. It’s a bit like with the customer in a restaurant who wants to eat fast, cheap and tasty, which the waiter says: “Dear Mr. deign to speak of three dishes.” If you want to have a camera small and cheap, it inevitably lose on quality above all do. A good image is very difficult to reconcile with the pocket dimensions (because it requires a large matrix). Finally reaching high quality workmanship combined with decent photos, unfortunately, entails a high price.

Compacts and the rest

Basically there are two types of cameras: with interchangeable lenses and compact, with lenses attached permanently . Cameras with interchangeable lenses for SLR and share and bezlusterkowce. The former are installed in the optical path steering mirror image of the lens to the viewfinder, that just before the shooting rises to reveal the matrix, and immediately after shooting subsides.

All SLR cameras are equipped with large matrices, thanks which are potentially capable of doing very good pictures (in practice, much depends on the photographer). In terms of image quality from other manufacturers stand out completely marginal in our market for Pentax. Little popularity in Poland is primarily a small selection of additional lenses and accessories, and very efficient service. In turn, lustrzankowym largest player in our market are Canon, second in line is the Nikon, then Sony, which has a much higher market share than mentioned at the beginning of the Pentax.

What is the best SLR camera

Unfortunately, in the case of large players hard to recommend a specific model, because in a very wide range of get the gems and stones, precious little, and in addition we can stick to on sale some old stocks. The only sensible advice I can give (apart from reading the trade press), the search for online testing and information about the release date of the model. Hearing two years is a good buy, mature quality

stand out from what is currently available on the market.

SLR choose when we want to uncompromising image quality and large size and cost expansion we are not horrible

certainly should avoid purchasing an Olympus SLR, which accused the production of this type of hearing three years ago, so no matter how tempting opportunity seller (and still are shops where Olympus SLR arrears on the shelves), let us not be deceived .

SLR should choose when we want to uncompromising image quality, large size camera with the lens we are not scary and are prepared to pay the costs associated with the expansion of the system. Oh, and SLR is hard to find in blue. They are usually black.

Who bezlusterkowce

Bezlusterkowce enjoying enormous triumphs in Japan, and that all considerate camera manufacturers are just from the Land of the Rising Sun, it is no wonder that the market today is flooded with these types of cameras.

Some camera manufacturers just put on this segment, completely abandoning the SLR – belongs to they just Olympus. In the vast majority of cases, these cameras matrices are the same or slightly less than the SLR, so the image quality effectively compete with them. Getting rid of the mirrors of the optical path simplifies the mechanical structure, and dramatically reduces the size of the camera and lens. As a result, we have still a very good image quality at a much smaller size.

But something for something. In the case of optical viewfinders are unbeatable when it comes to speed and energy savings. Since the cameras bezlusterkowych (as well as some time SLR Sony) framing is done through the electronic viewfinder, the camera permanently consumes a lot of electricity.

In the SLR much energy is needed to take a picture and save it to a memory card, a thousand shots on a single charge is no feat, and in the meantime bezlustekowce are rarely able to exceed 300 shots on a battery.

bezlusterkowców second drawback is fit for long lenses allow photographing distant objects (eg Safari). The tiny body connected to a long telephoto lens barrel is not a comfortable combination.

Bezlusterkowce this camera for those who want a good image, but also appreciate the small size

image quality are unbeatable bezlusterkowce Fujifilm, which really little SLR is able to match. In turn, the market hegemon SLR – Canon – has offered only one bezlusterkowca, captured some force (because we all have) on – to put it mildly – moderate performance. Nikon has in turn quite controversial idea bezlusterkowy system, uses very little matrix (such as a Nokia Lumia 808). For it offers the only underwater cameras with interchangeable lenses – model Nikon 1 AW 1 In this market is best able to Olympus in partnership with Panasonic, offering the richest set of bodies.

Bezlusterkowce this equipment for hobbyists who like to think about the choice of lens for specific applications, they want to develop their skills, depends them a good image, but also appreciate the small size. Often, these cameras are selected by professionals who want to have a small handheld and wearable camera that will meet their quality requirements. Here you can easily find the blue camera. And also pink, white, silver, black

Compacts: what to look for

The largest category are compact cameras, that is, which do not replace the lens. Immediately it is worth mentioning that the rule is: if there is something to all this is for nothing. One of the popular categories are cameras with a large zoom (record is probably 72x), allowing cut very small parts of the scene, for example, we can do the Palace of Culture and one window, standing in the same place. But the bigger the “times” zoom, the worse the image quality – it is difficult to escape from. Moreover, such devices generally have very small sensors, because the smaller the matrix, the smaller the lens can be.

When you buy a camera, we should pay attention to several things. First, figure out what size matrix. Designations types of matrices are a little wild, for they are given as a fraction of the denominator in the form of a decimal, and everything is the size in inches. For example, 1/2, 5-inch (or 2/5 inches, but no one writes). The larger the denominator, the smaller the matrix. Third, 5 “matrices camera phones, 1/2, 5″ is the most popular matrices in compact cameras. Arrays 1/1, 8 “, 1/1, 5″ in the matrix are large compacts, one inch to very large matrices. There are also dies APS-C, that is, such as in the SLR (a few CDs of such matrices). Obviously, the larger the matrix, the better the image.

The second determinant is the quality of the brightness of the lens, again given as a fraction f / something. Here, the smaller this “something”, the greater the brightness. A good lens is one that has a brightness of f / 2.8, very good is one that offers f / 1.8, and the average is f / 3,5 (again odd fractions).

It should also be of interest, or camera allows the recording of RAW raw files. It’s like a digital negative. Even if you do not want to dabble with processing on a computer, the opportunity to register RAW means that engineers more have applied to the design of the camera.

should also remember that progress in compact cameras is faster than the SLR and While SLR shown two years ago may be a good opportunity, it is a rather compact two-year “storage deposits.”

Prices! Porównujmy money

At the end of a very important point. There is nothing wrong in buying cameras from electronics stores, such as in large retail chains, especially when we take them in hand, but you have to watch out for dangerous (for us) the practice of selling old products at inflated prices.

always, always check the price on the Internet. If you’re willing to spend 2.5 thousand. z? for the camera, it helps to know how it is valued on the internet. About 50 z? not worth the fight, but sometimes come into play until the thousand z?! It should therefore look to price comparison sites such as, or even

Cameras recommendable


+ Pentax K-5 II K500 + Canon 70D, 700D, 5D Mark III, Nikon D7100 +, D800


+ Fujifilm X-E2

+ Olympus OM-D M1,

+ Panasonic GX7

+ Sony NEX 5T, Sony A7

compact cameras:

+ Sony RX1, RX10,

+ Fujifilm X20

+ Olympus XZ-2

retro look

At the beginning of digital photography manufacture freed from the need to fit in the body of a roll of film to experiment with the form of the camera, offering, for example, with respect to the rotating bodies lenses. However, over time it became clear that the shape of the camera and how to set the parameters of the invented 70 years ago and developed another 60 years is so good, it’s not worth a lot of change, and today the triumphs of the saints retro styling harking back to the construction of the apparatus with the end of the last century.

camera plenoptyczna

Race for megapixels does not really make sense in the case of the traditional way of recording the image on a plane. But digital technology also allows for an amazing trick. By installing the appropriate filter in front of the matrix can record the image at several levels. As a result, only in later processing, we can decide where in the frame you want to focus. The disadvantage is the relatively low resolution image – 8 to 10 times smaller than the matrix, which collected data. In the event of such cameras produce only company Lytro, but the owner of the patent is a university MIT and more and more interested in the manufacture of mobile phones. 41 megapixel sensor known Nokia equipped with a filter plenoptyczny will record images at a decent resolution 4 megapixels. Perhaps soon we will see such a solution on the market.

“I do not like Sony”

Very often photographic forums can be found hejterów Sony who think that this company should not take up the production of cameras. You should know that Sony is the largest producer dies. Even if you dislike succumbing to choose a different brand of camera, we have 50 per cent. opportunities that will have a matrix produced by Sony.

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