Monday, December 2, 2013

A brief history of comets, which died three times - Gazeta Wyborcza

In recent days twice already announced the death of a comet ISON. Three times a charm. Now, astronomers are now almost certain: it was the only spirit that will be hellishly difficult to spot in the sky. Fortunately there is an alternative in the form of comet Lovejoy.

They called it the “comet of the century”. Has raised hopes of a celestial spectacle for our lives which no one has experienced. But the show will not, because the comet probably no longer exists. One can not deny her – emotions gave us three comets

Great Expectations

Comet C/2012 S1 ISON was discovered on 21 September 2012, when there was a 6 astronomical units – was so six times further from the Sun than the Earth (the orbit of Jupiter). Noticing her so far away from our star allowed to believe that the comet may have a relatively high rate of activity. Even predicted that at the time of passage through the perihelion (the point closest to the Sun) could achieve a brightness of approximately -13 mag., Or the full moon! It would have been quite a sensation.

That’s why astronomers began to talk about her “comet of the century”. It was only in November of that year began to suspect that this is the nickname for the overstatement.

Death # 1

The first signs of cosmic dud emerged at the turn of October and November. The comet should be already visible to the naked eye, and she was not. Her observation was necessary to binoculars. No one is particularly worried not because of comets different case.

November 11 the comet brightened rapidly from day to day became the object visible to the naked eye. In theory, because in practice the observations disturbed glow of the full moon. But the binoculars the comet presented really nicely. A unique show gave astrofotografom! Her tail has become a dynamic and very long – he span around 7 degrees, more or less, at the tiller of the Big Dipper.

approaching perihelion, so more and it was easier to lose it in the glow of the rising sun. In the end she disappeared out of sight in the glow of the stars.

Then came the report that spilled a bucket of cold water on red-hot head lovers heaven. Dr. Michael Drahus Caltech revealed data that indirectly indicate that the nucleus of the comet disintegrated before reaching perihelion. In my research I used the IRAM radio telescope, whose observations have shown more than 20-fold decrease in the amount of hydrogen cyanide molecules in the vicinity of the comet. This could indicate that the kernel no longer dispose of myself fresh material – including water, carbon dioxide and hydrogen cyanide said.

Soon came confirmation that the comet something is wrong. The photographs taken 24, 25 and 26 November by the STEREO probe was seen as the comet fades. Her tail has noticeably shorter.

That’s it – the company has considered astronomical. And then the first time a comet played everything on the nose.

Resurrection # 1

When the comet flew in the field of view koronografów SOHO, everyone rubs his eyes in amazement. It appeared that the comet is, however, quite well. It was clear, even a little lighter than expected. Glitter its core “burned free” CCD detector – on this basis to assess the brightness of the comet at about -2.5 mag. This is much less than the announcement spoke “comet of the century”, but still the comet would be an attraction in our night sky.

But the worst was yet to come – perihelion.

Comet was closer to the Sun in just 1.8 million miles. It’s not a world record. C/2011 W3 Lovejoy in 2011, flashed only 120 thousand. km from the Sun, which resulted in her sudden brightening and ultimately beautiful spectacle in the southern sky. Many believed that the ISON will be its worthy successor. But unfortunately not what we see for a few
hours before perihelion. This then could be seen in the pictures further worrying signs.

Death # 2

Glow ISON began weaken. These things happen before perihelion, which is why most alarming was the appearance of the head of a comet. Ceased to be condensed point, only began to lengthen and resemble fuzzy streak. View can be likened to the broken asphalt of a snowball. Mechanics phenomenon was probably the same. A lump of ice and rocks the size of mountains not coped with the tremendous heat of the sun and broke into pieces – as predicted by Dr. Drahus it. Created a cloud long for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, which sped the orbit of the comet to a meeting with the Sun. Nobody believed that such a cloud will survive.

Cross put everyone on a comet – NASA, ESA, astronomers from all over the world and lovers of the night sky. Internet re-christened it with ISON on ISOFF.

Resurrection # 2

And then the comet surprised once second. Four hours after perihelion again appeared on the SOHO images. As if resurrected. She did not look impressive, but clearly there was.

– survived! – Excited the whole world. Although somewhat resembled trace run over a squirrel than living creature. But from hour to hour it turned out that the squirrel is getting more lively and has a pretty good. The head of the comet is condensed, increasingly, there were even two braids. NASA has confirmed that the comet survived.

Astronomers were astonished. Only a real comet of the century could treat us to such a spectacle. – Comet ISON storm everything I knew about comets muskaj?cych Sun. And I’ve seen really a lot! This time, I was completely surprised – Michal Kusiak marveled at the Jagiellonian University.

Death No. 3 For the time being, the resurrection

However, it soon became clear that the appearance of the comet was rather a voice from beyond the grave. On the following pictures ISON looked more and more like a ghost. What are the day before excited astronomers, it has become barely perceptible cloud, through which the stars shine through. Like a morning mist comet simply disappeared.

Here’s animations made with images from space probes, which show how the comet approaches the Sun (center), and then burned like a moth in his heat of the receding increasingly distributed and darkening cloud …:

Currently, its brightness is longer than 6 mag, and this excludes see it with the naked eye. – Maybe to some astrophotographers able to catch her in the picture? But certainly it will be extremely difficult. NASA in January planned a photo session using the Hubble Space Telescope. By this time the remains of comet probably completely evaporate.

See a comet, but another

Comets continue During remain among the most mysterious objects of the solar system. Nobody could have predicted what happened with ISON, but were turned at her the whole astronomical world. Confirmed the saying of the Canadian astronomer David Levy, that “comets are like cats – they have long tails and they walk their own paths.”

Probably we can forget about C/2012 S1 ISON observations in December. Although you can count on a miracle (and we have already witnessed at least two), but you better pay attention to the other side of the sky.

spectacle, or rather a circus, performed comet ISON overshadowed us another comet – C / 2013 R1 Lovejoy. Discovered by Australian Terry Lovejoy astronomy lover already has 5 mag and the city can try to see it with the naked eye. It’s a consolation. Instead of a comet of the century.

Night comet Copernicus

On the night of 7 to 8 December planetarium sky Copernicus in Warsaw invites to the night of comets. Will begin with a meeting with scientists and lovers of comets, and the all-night event will end the morning observations. From 5 to 6:30 you will see for yourself the comet. ISON’s probably not, but certainly Lovejoy. More:

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