several hours in the presence of neuron Kickstarterze has amassed over 60 thousand. dollars. If the rate declared payments will not change, Polish invention can count up to … ppm. This is a huge success 23-year-old Kamil Adamczyk and his co-workers: their device, advertised as “the world’s first mask to sleep polifazowego” is to make the buyer will be able to almost any “manage” your bedtime. For example, in order to get enough sleep to … in two hours.
The creators of this mask argue that because of their product will be able to sleep two hours a day. • Fig. Intelclinic
The idea of ??creating a mask NeuroOn created in the minds of three Polish: Warsaw University of Technology alumni Janusz Fr?czek and Christopher Chojnowski and 23-year-old Kamil Adamczyk – a student of the Medical University. The inspiration was to find a way to … less sleep. The answer turned out to be the concept of sleep polifazowego.
To be able to be successfully applied, the entrepreneur decided to create “the world’s first mask to sleep polifazowego”, or just NeuroOn. This device through electrodes installed in the mask allows carefully monitor our activity during sleep. As a result, the user gains almost complete control over how sleeping: no such guarantee that your smartphone is connected to the mask it wakes up only when the next phase of sleep over.
Fr?czek, Chojnowski and Adamczyk founded startup, which is to allow them to monetize their invention. The company is called Intelclinic. On Tuesday, the project took on Kickstarterze: Poles want to collect in this way on your project 100 thousand. dollars. In just a few hours accumulated two thirds of that amount. According to forecasts of the portal NeuroOn can greatly surpass the expectations of its creators and gather even more than $ 1 million. Kamil Adamczyk talks in naTemat about the whole endeavor. What is NeuroOnKamil Adamczyk: The action associated with the so-called . polifazowym dream …
This is a kind of “sleeping method,” which supposedly already applied Napoleon. It consists in that instead of the natural nighttime sleep, sleeping in cycles of several shorter naps daily. This can greatly reduce the total amount of sleep required for this to fully regenerate the body.
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Fig. Intelclinic
Why naps are more “efficient” than continuous sleep?
To understand this, one must look at the structure of sleep: as we know, he has different phases. From the viewpoint of the regeneration is the most important phase of REM. It was then that our body is resting most effectively. Interestingly, however, the analysis of sleep diagram shows that REM is only 15 percent. the whole time that we devote to rest for the night.
understand that through your device can be “extracted” from all sleep only this his most valuable part
This is the polyphasic sleep: through appropriate training can teach your body quickly going into REM sleep even during a short nap. The switch on the operation based on a cycle of napping can reduce the amount of needed sleep up to two hours a day. Is called. model “Uberman”. But no need to resort to such radical solutions. Another model of sleep polifazowego, called “Everyman”,
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Fig. Intelclinic
But how exactly does the mask NeuroOn
of our body receives stimuli and subjects it to analysis. It’s about brain waves, muscle tone and eye movements. These data are sent via Bluetooth technology to a special application of our smartphone and analyzed. As a result, our dream is closely monitored, so that you can better control over it – the phone will wake us at the right time.
Do polyphasic sleep is definitely good for your health? We wrote once about the findings of researchers from the University of Surrey English, who found that excessive limiting the length of sleep can cause not only fatigue, but also impair the functioning of genes …I myself am a medical student, so I am fully aware that nothing can replace a healthy, natural, nine-night sleep. Except that nowadays many people can not afford such a comfort. For them, the dream multiphase can be very useful. Importantly, it has been proven that the use of it had bad effects on our health. Researchers from the University of Bologna proved that even in the “überm” can function normally for at least several months. From time to time but you must do it yourself from his “vacation” and for one month to return to natural sleep.
this study. But if there are any “live” evidence that it is impossible to live?Sure. Take, for example, Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress site. For a year he slept on the model of “überm”.
right, and if working on your device you thought about the potential negative social effects of the popularization of sleep polifazowego? I wrote a text about once a nutshell allowing sleep two hours a day. I realized then that as soon as it appears that there are employees who can sleep so short, we all have also started to sleep much, because otherwise we will not find work.I will say openly: we are not uncritical to sleep pulses. We try to emphasize that this is a solution that should be used in exceptional circumstances: if, for example is a very intensive work. As for pills – sleep multiphase is certainly safer than any pharmacological solutions.
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Fig. Intelclinic
At what stage is NeuroOn
We’re working on it since March of this year, on Tuesday the project is to premiere at Kickstarterze. The device is actually ready, just waiting for some improvements in terms of design and comfort of use. As for the technical issues, it is still working on an algorithm that allows to analyze collected data.
Is the product will be available in Poland? And if so, when?Kickstarter is available for people from all over the world, so there is no obstacle to NeuroOn ordered the Poles. The mask can be purchased from Monday for the next month. Delivery is planned around April next year.
How much mask The basic version we value now $ 225.
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