launches first competition of the National Research and Development Centre and the National Science Centre, whose aim is to use the results of basic research with significant potential for innovation in practice. The competition Tango scientists can apply for a total funding of 40 million.
Tango is a joint venture NCN and NRDC, concluded in order to facilitate scientific institutions and universities to market new technologies, products and services, and strengthen collaboration between researchers and entrepreneurs. In this framework will be financed include: the creation of the concept of economic use previously obtained results of research, sourcing partners interested in implementing them, and securing the rights to intellectual property protection. The measures are also intended to cover the costs of market analysis, industry research and development work.
– It has long been known that advances in basic research is the most promising leaven for innovative practical solutions. Without a theory of the electromagnetic field we would not have radio and television, among others, have resulted in the achievement of thermodynamics the creation of an internal combustion engine, the theory of codes enabled the spread of mobile phones, and the invention of the laser has allowed
The call for proposals will start on 16 December 2013 and will run until 17 March 2014 Co-financing is subject to both the concept phase, the aim of which is to identify the potential application of basic research results and acquire an industrial partner to implement them, as well as research phase (B + R). In the case of the latter will be required contribution by the entrepreneur concerned by the results of the own contribution of 15% of the support received in the project.
– Polish scientists have already received a number of ground-breaking research results that are waiting for the implementation of the economic practice. I believe that the competition Tango will best fulfill the plans and thanks to the commitment they become entrepreneurs in innovative technologies on a global scale – says prof. Krzysztof Jan Kurzyd?owski, director of the National Centre for Research and Development
The funds in the amount of 1.25 million z? even can apply academic units, centers of Polish Academy of Sciences and the university research centers. Evaluation of applications will take place in two stages. At both stages of the requests for funding of projects will give opinions on the same team of experts, appointed by the NCN and NRDC.
more information, visit NRDC and NCN.

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