At the age of 83 years died engineer Stefan Kudelski , creator of the famous Nagra tape recorders that have revolutionized the technique of sound – even in the movies.
Prof. . Krzysztof Matyjaszewski from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, received the AkzoNobel Science Award in North America in the field of chemistry. Pole, who is the first recipient of this award, has chosen The American Chemical Society. He was awarded for innovation in the field of polymer chemistry.
around Russian Chelyabinsk fallen meteor shower . More than a thousand people were injured. This phenomenon is accompanied by a series of explosions. Over the territory of Ural Federal District meteoroidu destruction occurred, which partially burned down in the lower layers of the atmosphere.
After three years of work stopped the Large Hadron Collider . Undergoing renovation and expansion. Collider goes modernization and resumes in mid-2014.
Researchers from the University of Leicester in England on the basis of DNA testing and radiocarbon dating confirmed that the skeleton unearthed in 2012 in a parking lot in the city is remains of King Richard III (1452-1485), the last of Plantagenet dynasty.
team portal Zoouniverse.org looking for people, probably women or Pole who discovered extrasolar planet. He was known only username of the person: rafcioo28. He was the first netizen who found exoplanet transit PH2b . Discoverer of extrasolar planet was a Raphael Herszkowicz from Zgierz.
international team of scientists led by the ESA Planck mission has published most accurate map of the CMB radiation , which is the “echo” of the Big Bang. The results do not in all respects agree with the theories on the evolution of the Universe. One of the leaders of the research team was the Polish scientist prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Gorski of Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (USA).
outside the International Space Station began working analyzer Space Research Centre . It will help determine how changing magnetic field affects the station, its inhabitants and experiments. Will also facilitate the diagnosis of space weather.
Dead mammoth, preserved in perfect condition, with unfrozen blood, found on the island in the north of Siberia. Animal preserved in excellent condition so that the lower part of his body lay in pure ice.
researchers have cloned human embryos , which for the first time can be extracted stem cells. An international team of researchers has used ova donated to the experiment by one of the women. Removed from the nucleus, containing the major part of the DNA, and instead introduced a nucleus taken from an eight-month baby’s skin. Making opened up new possibilities for tissue and organ culture, but also aroused great controversy ethical.new species of bird before 29 million years – Resoviaornis jamrozi – discovered near Rzeszów the local paleontology enthusiast. This newly discovered species of
Martian rovers of the Polish occupied the first two places in prestigious international competitions University Rover Challenge played in the USA. The winner Hyperion team from the Technical University of Bialystok, and the second was a Scorpio III University of Technology.
tomb contains the skeletons of 63 people, more than 1,200 valuable items of silver, gold, bronze, alabaster semi-precious stones and other materials found Polish archaeologists in Peru . The team, led by Dr. Milosz Giersz of the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw (UW) and the Centre for Research on Pre-Columbian UW made these discoveries in Huarmey , 300 km north of the capital – Lima.
The unique scale
Polish a clay figurine from the Neolithic period (IV millennium BC) depicting a stylized figure of a woman, found during the excavations in Raciborzu. So far discovered only a few and small fragments of human figures from this period.
Two researchers from the University of Washington (USA) – prof. Rajesh Rao and Prof. Andrea Stocco – combined their brain via the Internet and one of them the same mind set in motion a second hand. No published his experience in a scientific journal, but only informed about it on the website of his university.
interplanetary probe Voyager 1 as the first man-made object has left the solar system – said the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
study of fossilized pollen from the Early Triassic suggests that flowering plants appeared on Earth 100 million years ago , than previously thought.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was divided between three scientists – James E. Rothman and Randy W. Schekmana the U.S. and representing Germany Thomas C. Suedhofa. The winners’ works relate to the transport of substances within living cells.
Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Peter Higgsowi and Francois Englertowi, the theory explains how to take the weight. The validity of the theory confirmed the discovery in 2012, the Higgs boson, also known a “divine particle”. Nobel Prize in chemistry received: Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel for developing computer models for chemistry. Their work allows, among others, for the production of better drugs.NOVEMBER
Hybrid Solar Eclipse , in which the belt eclipse is seen as annular, and in another part of the total. Pas total phase passed through the Atlantic and central Africa.
examined meteoroidu explosion, which occurred in February over Czelabi?skiem in Russia. It turned out that it was 40 times stronger than the explosion of a nuclear bomb.
Professors Andrzej K. Tarkowski, Sylwester Porowski, Marek Zukowski and John Wole?ski Awards were this year’s winners of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). The prize of 200 thousand. golden.
space went first Polish scientific satellite Lem . The space was it a Russian Dnepr rocket. Lem will include verify the physical processes occurring in the brightest stars.
satellite instruments at the heart of the Antarctic Polar Plateau on the ice temperature registered minus 93.2 deg C. This the coldest place on Earth .

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