Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Half of the male birth control pill is ready - rmf24.pl

pill for men may appear on the market for over 10 years – announce Australian and British scientists. In the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Science” describes the results of tests on mice confirmed the efficacy and reversibility of their proposed method. The idea of ??blocking the action of two proteins, essential to sperm can leave the nucleus and follow through semen.

Male contraceptive pill may appear in 10 years / sxc.hu /


pill can occur within 10 years

/ sxc.hu /

Previous research on male contraception focused on the complete blockage of sperm production in the body of man or of such damage that they can not fertilize the egg. Such attempts, however, caused serious side effects, proved to be hazardous to health and man’s sexual abilities. This time, the method assumes that the sperm

will be produced quite normally, but remain in the body of a man.

The key to success is to be blocking the road transport, off the activity of proteins that are responsible for causing contraction of smooth muscle of the vas deferens. Researchers at Monash University in Victoria, and the Universities of Melbourne and Leicester have discovered that this is enough to block the two proteins, alpha 1A-adrenergic receptors and purinergic P2X1-. Males, genetically lacking these proteins despite normal production of sperm and normal behavior, remained completely infertile.

Australian and British scientists are convinced that both proteins can be locked oral pill, and the effects of such a blockade can be reversed at any time. What’s more, the drug withheld adrenergic receptor function is finished and it is used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy and hypertension. This means that in practice half a pill is ready. Just find a measure suspending the operation without the side effects of the other receptors.

authors admit that there is one problem, the potential pill, reducing the ability of contraction of the blood vessels can reduce blood pressure. They argue, however, that studies in mice have not shown that this effect and the related possible changes in heart rate was significant.

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