Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The first star around 16:00 - Polish Radio


Marta Kwa?nicka 12.24.2013

 The first star around 16:00 id=”photo-author”> photo: Glow Images / East News

astronomer Copernicus Science Centre Charles Wojcicki emphasizes that today, the sky is the brightest planet Venus. Vega appears above the western horizon a Capella on the east – both will be around 15.50.

– In contrast, earlier on the south-western horizon will be the planet Venus, you

can find her already 10 to 15 minutes after sunset – adds Wojcicki.

First Stars look out to commemorate the star of Bethlehem, which the Bible says led the three wise men from the East to the birthplace of Christ.

Today it is difficult to determine what was the phenomenon explains Charles Wojcicki. Some say that it was a new star, others that the conjunction (close-up) bright planets – and it also could look like something out of the ordinary says astronom.Zanim sit down for Christmas Eve dinner, we break the wafer and the composition of a wish.

(ew / IAR)




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