Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Google proved what we were looking on the net in 2013 ... - Gazeta Wyborcza

“Google Zeitgeist is formed on the basis of the analysis of millions of search queries typed in the search window every day” – informs the official web site potentanta. From the analysis of these queries for 2013 paint a picture of a Pole listener “Slavs”, watching the cinematic hits, but also by Asker intensively, “what is beauty”, and in his free time – hanging frosting.

What Works? Crust and Chodakowska

“How to make icing ‘- it was the most frequently asked question in Polish Google. Another interesting letter dilemma:” how to segregate garbage. “Next:” how to delete an account on Facebook. “On the sixth -” like the Money. “Wink below -” how to love “.

Polish frapowa?o also, what is” iban “(category:” what is “). But already in second place were the question, “what is beauty” and further: “What is patriotism.” Again, not to decide whether we are so caught up in issues of beauty and patriotism, whether the result is a function of homework topics asked in Polish schools. Further down: “what is the brand, paczyzm, psychology …”

List five most googlanych of Poles also gives food for thought. they found on it – we give the number of

searches: Paul Walker ( actor known for his “Fast and The Furious” died recently in an accident), Anna German, Eve Chodakowska, Anna Grodzka and Peter Vein. At the same time, the world was asking – in turn – of Nelson Mandela, Paul Walker and Malala Yousafzai (Pakistani blogger and activist ). Malala in Poland was not even in the top ten, in contrast to the young actor had to Maciek (10 position).

Musically: Slavs, PSY …

Global list of “Top Ten” opens, Nelson Mandela. Polish – Ask.fm, ciekawostkowy portal through which you can ask questions.

In the world continue to place the list belong to Paul Walker and iPhone 5 And in Poland after Ask.fm most frequently asked about television NC +, then with Paul Walker, Anna German, and Top Model.

Musical tastes the Polish – according to Google – shaped us in the past year the duo Donatan and Cleo. Their song “We Slavs” opens the list of most searched tracks. On the second place – Ewelina Shabbir, on the third – Balkanika. A foreign music? Poles in this category frequently searched: PSY and his “Gangnam Style”, an American rapper and Rihanna Macklemore’a.

As for the events that interested us in 2013, is – according to Google – in the first place was to Woodstock, the second – Equality Parade, while the third – Ceremony Oscars. Conversely, than in the world: there asked most frequently about boston marathon, typhoon in Haiti and about the “closure” of the U.S. government.

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