What Works? Crust and Chodakowska
“How to make icing ‘- it was the most frequently asked question in Polish Google. Another interesting letter dilemma:” how to segregate garbage. “Next:” how to delete an account on Facebook. “On the sixth -” like the Money. “Wink below -” how to love “.
Polish frapowa?o also, what is” iban “(category:” what is “). But already in second place were the question, “what is beauty” and further: “What is patriotism.” Again, not to decide whether we are so caught up in issues of beauty and patriotism, whether the result is a function of homework topics asked in Polish schools. Further down: “what is the brand, paczyzm, psychology …”
List five most googlanych of Poles also gives food for thought. they found on it – we give the number of
Musically: Slavs, PSY …
Global list of “Top Ten” opens, Nelson Mandela. Polish – Ask.fm, ciekawostkowy portal through which you can ask questions.
In the world continue to place the list belong to Paul Walker and iPhone 5 And in Poland after Ask.fm most frequently asked about television NC +, then with Paul Walker, Anna German, and Top Model.
Musical tastes the Polish – according to Google – shaped us in the past year the duo Donatan and Cleo. Their song “We Slavs” opens the list of most searched tracks. On the second place – Ewelina Shabbir, on the third – Balkanika. A foreign music? Poles in this category frequently searched: PSY and his “Gangnam Style”, an American rapper and Rihanna Macklemore’a.
As for the events that interested us in 2013, is – according to Google – in the first place was to Woodstock, the second – Equality Parade, while the third – Ceremony Oscars. Conversely, than in the world: there asked most frequently about boston marathon, typhoon in Haiti and about the “closure” of the U.S. government.
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