in churches across the country on Sunday read a pastoral letter on gender. Cardinal also read it. Stanislaw Dziwisz during Mass in Zakopane, although – as noted – “were in the press, the media objections.” – Efforts to persuade priests to this letter not Read. So I decided to also here during the celebration of indulgences, read this important letter – said the prelate.
Sunday …
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Cardinal. Stanislaw Dziwisz, as every year, celebrated a Mass to celebrate the Sunday of the Holy Family in the Church of the Holy Family in Zakopane.Commenting
read from the Gospel according to St. Matthew, on the Holy Family flee to Egypt, he said: – Accompanying the mind and heart of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we also think about our families, about the associated joys and hopes, but also the dangers that they face in today’s world, the modern civilization, even in our own country – Dziwisz said.
objections and pressures
not there …
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- This risk is dedicated to the Polish Bishops’ letter read in all the churches of our country – continued the Archbishop of Krakow. – Although there were in the press, in the media objections. Even attempted to persuade the priests to this letter not Read. So I decided to also here during the celebration of indulgences, read this letter, an important letter – he stressed.
And he added: – Our families are very valuable asset for us to remain indifferent to certain intentions, interfering with the education of children, youth, distorting healthy family pattern based on the Law of God, deeply inscribed in human nature.
He emphasized that the letter “is dictated by the sense of responsibility for the family and for the good of our nation.”
Family and Gender
Then went on to read the letter of the bishops, which emphasizes, among others, role of the family “based on the foundation of marriage, interconnected lifelong love inseparable and exclusive,” which is “the right environment for developing children.”
“The Christian vision is not some arbitrarily imposed norm, but comes from reading the nature of the human person, the nature of marriage and the family. rejection of this vision leads inevitably to the distribution of families and human disaster” – written in the letter.
hierarchs also criticize the science of gender, which in their opinion, is introduced without the knowledge of the society in different structures of social life. “Genderyzm promotes the principles completely contrary to reality and integral understanding of human nature” – emphasize the bishops.
question read out on Sunday pastoral letter aroused much controversy. As he wrote “Universal Weekly”, its content also divided the bishops themselves. Therefore, a decision to read diocesan bishops allowed.
Author: kg / / kdj / Source: TVN 24,
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