Cassidy and Marshburn removed the defective pump probably belonging to the cooling system and replaced it with a new one. After the repair the power on, and the whole system seems to work fine. There was no leakage of ammonia from the new pump.
Saturday’s space walk was already 254 made by U.S. astronauts and 168 related to the work on repairing and servicing the ISS. Cassidy during his four walks spent in space 23 hours. and 35 min, and Marshburn during the same number of outputs – 24 hrs. and 29 min.
Meticulous preparation
Americans went into space in the chair. 14.44 CET. When I worked outside the station, the crew commander Chris Hadfield oversee them from the deck of the station. Before deciding on a space walk, head of mission of the Earth thoroughly check the available data and analyzed the photos and procedures, because out into space is a serious task.
– Going beyond the ISS will always cause some risk – explained on TVN24 Thomas Horn, journalist “will Niedzielny”. Leaving the station operation is very complicated, long and tiring. The Universe anything can happen. You have to be very careful. So prepare astronauts to exit required a lot of time.
Duplicate systems reduce risk
“damage is serious, but the danger does not threaten astronauts” – said the U.S. space agency after the fault. What does this really mean?
– You have to remember that on the space station all devices are at least doubled. These cooling systems are at least two or three, so in that respect astronauts life is not at risk – said on TVN 24 Thomas Horn.
He added, however, have the fault repaired, because it can lead to a situation in which two or three emergency one does not work, because for a while, and they can go wrong. Of course, in extreme cases, the astronauts can enter the capsule and return to Earth, but if NASA does not consider this possibility.
“You have to patch the hole ‘
ISS cooling system operates like an old refrigerator, hence the evaporation of the ammonia. If it disappeared a little, you can add inventory shortages, which are stored on the ISS. If it turns out that a lot of it disappeared, probably arrive at the station with the next shipment.
– Basis is to patch the hole, for whatever reason, it was – said Horn.
He added that there are many hypotheses damage. The most likely is a blow to the ISS small spacecraft debris, which revolves a lot around the station.
The three-dayspill
cooling system power supply szwankowa? ISS on Thursday. The vulnerability is reported commander of the crew of the ISS Canadian Chris Hadfield. The crew noticed that the flakes of frozen ammonia escape from the station. Ammonia is used there just to cool the power supply system.

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