by Slawomir Mielnik
source: Fotorzepa
class=”author”> pap, Peter Ko?cielniak 22-05-2013
performed pioneering surgery specialists from the Centre of Oncology in Gliwice. Never before has the world does not face transplant was performed for urgent reasons of life – tells hospital
recipient is the 33-year-old man crippled in an accident at work. According to information from PAP, his condition is still serious, but stable.
treatment conducted on May 15 a team led by prof. Adam Maciejewski. Reconstruction included not only the skin but also the skeleton of the upper and middle floors of the face – said Anna Uryga of Gliwice hospital. More Details hospital did not want to give away. The course of the operation and the patient’s condition doctors informed officially at today’s special conference at the Center of Oncology in Gliwice.
Earlier the same patient underwent transplantation own tissues attempt at another hospital. The treatment failed and crippled man went to the Cancer Center.
patient for life is going to take medicines to prevent rejection of the transplanted tissue
Why there? A similar operation team and Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Oncology Centre in Gliwice preparing for several years. All operating procedures first tested on the body. The group includes, among others oncology and general surgeons, facial surgeons, transplant, anesthetists and psychologists – doctors must be sure that the patient is mentally endure “wearing” the face of the deceased and will be the rest of his life received medicines to prevent rejection of the transplanted tissue.
Worldwide similar operations carried out with a number of indications – the first is injury due to hand guns, traffic accidents, burns, animal attacks. The second is facial deformities resulting from birth defects, cancer or its treatment.
In more serious cases, the classic methods of reconstruction can not restore an acceptable aesthetic appearance. According to estimates by prof. Maciejewski in our country, it may be a group of a population of 120 people.
Experts asked for the cooperation of potential recipients – people with extensive facial injuries. Before the operation in standby erected coordinators responsible for organ donation in hospitals within easy reach of Gliwice. Transportation lasting more than an hour could result in death of the tissue. According to the “Journal of the West” donor was 30-year-old man from the province. Podlasie, transported by helicopter.
facial reconstruction performed in Polish hospital to another operation of this kind in the world. The first partial face transplant surgery was performed in November 2005, Isabelle Dinoire was mauled by a dog when she lost consciousness after taking the pills, tranquilizers. Labrador, probably trying to wake her up, claws ripped her cheeks, mouth and nose.
Partial graft has a team of prof. Bernard Devauchelle’a and prof. Jean-Michel Dubernard of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Nord in Amiens, France. Missing tissue taken from cadavers.
similar course of action was a Chinese farmer Li Guoxing disfigured as a result of a bear attack. In 2006, experts from the Military Medical University, Xi’an performed the transplant tissue from a 25-year-old, who was killed in the accident. Guoxing but died two years later, as he resigned from everyday taking immunosuppressive drugs.
Another transplant doctors have made France and the United States (80 percent of transplant surgery. Connie Culp’s face led Polka – Dr. Maria Siemionow).
first full face transplant was performed in 2010 in Barcelona. Doctors from the hospital Vall d’Hebron advantage of not only the skin but also the muscles, bone fragments, teeth and even the donor. The patient, injured as a result of the shooting, he could not breathe or swallow.
most complex operation performed this type of Americans in 2012, Richard Lee Norris, the victim of a gunshot wound, require the implantation of virtually the entire face except for the eyes and the throat. Surgery in the University of Maryland Medical Center, lasted 36 hours.
have a question, send an e-mail to the author p.koscielniak @ rp.pl

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