~ zbigniew.kowalewskki [half an hour ago]
Your info has many disadvantages. First, the best specialist in the field of pszeszczepow face is none other than? Lady with polski.Prfesor MD from Poznan living in USA. who it is? this task for you please your homework
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~ ziuta [9 minutes ago]
@ zbigniew.kowalewskki ^ And how do you know the best? We remember the case, but I suspect that Dr. Luczak much better made the transplant, which is already visible. American of Polish origin made herself simply advertising on that procedure, which is typical for commercial and consumer society of the USA ;) effect the operation was rather dubious …
~ zbigniew.kowalewskki [10 minutes ago]
first operation pszeszczepu complete set of faces has accomplished POLAND PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE MRS MARIA SIEMIONOW.Bylo it in CLEWELAND, Ohio, USA. in 2008r.A so please do your homework
class=”name logged”> mjka [half an hour ago]
admiration and compliments the doctors and God, because with God all things are possible. And if you come on a patient, then it can make even more satanic creatures wytatuuje … it’s the second time he quite Head odleci.a this August will no longer transplant.
show 1 hidden answers
~ ja60 [12 minutes ago]
@ mjka ^ What are “pierdzielisz” How many people does the tattoos without thinking too much on their znaczeniem.Nie wish him no good, since so bredzisz.Wed?ug you it is a punishment for tattoos??? But the woman.
~ jane [fifteen minutes]
CUD only the skills of our great surgeons.
~ Darwin [fifteen minutes]
life on Earth was created by accident., the spontaneous reaction of atoms in praoceanie. Face of a man before the accident is a consequence of the evolution anonymous. The face of the man after the accident is the result of several weeks of work by outstanding professionals, sophisticated technology and hundreds of years of scientific research. I prefer that my face was designed not a wise man but a case of praoceanu.
~ John [fifteen minutes]
partition with cool but I’d rather hear what is that in the more mundane matters in Poland is less time waiting for surgery rather than two or three years.
~ lolo [half an hour ago]
first in Poland, but not in the world, such operations were already done-lately quite recently.
show 1
~ Heads [fifteen minutes]
@ lolo ^ Poland – remember the “Polish” always with a capital letter
~ golik83 [fifteen minutes]
in shock to see the other guy. May not broke down in August
~ niewidzialny27 [fifteen minutes]
BIG CONGRATS! It’s a big success for Polish Science. I wish you health patient – and already looks not bad.
~ Asia [half an hour ago]
I wish a speedy recovery! Fingers crossed! We all keep our fingers crossed! I swear I do not complain about your pimples and sade?ko, because it does not have any problems! Good luck!
~ agusia [half an hour ago]
keep my fingers crossed. I wish you all the best.
Keep my fingers crossed. I wish you all the best.
~ kill bill [half an hour ago]
However, there are eminent specialists in Poland, bravo gentlemen and glory wam.Tacy should live in palaces I do not regret taxes on them.
~ Stefan [half an hour ago]
title misled me a bit because from what I know this is not the first such operation in the world only in Poland. I hope everything will be fine and that you will return to health and a normal life, which I sincerely wish him.
~ Aaaah [half an hour ago]
I do not know if the family of the donor will be pleased with this photo. But the doctors gave great respect. Beautiful work!
~ Dr. x [half an hour ago]
Greetings to Dr. Luczak.
Greetings to Dr. Luczak.
~ Oremus [half an hour ago]
Sure, it was a MIRACLE! Because doctors are ignorant without MIRACLE wyleczyliby not even cold. Must now determine to whom the man was praying, for whose “through” the CUD.
~ gliwiczanin [half an hour ago]
I wish that was all well and congratulates doctors.
~ Aniak [fifteen minutes]
Congratulations! I am full of appreciation. I have never doubted our specialists.
~ Michael [half an hour ago]
~ bozena [half an hour ago]
I am wholeheartedly with the doctors and the patient wish to return to health and enjoying life even many years ..
all my heart I am with the doctors and the patient wish to return to health and enjoying life even years. .

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