Friday, May 10, 2013

Paid YouTube has become a reality! - Virtual Poland

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That day he had ever come – YouTube introduced paid subscriptions for some channels.

I guess no one can say that he is surprised by yesterday’s announcement, which appeared on the YouTube blog. Finally, the introduction of charges for some of the channels on this site talked for quite some time and I think everyone subcutaneously We felt that this day would come. But I also think we all hoped that this will not happen so soon. Anyway, yesterday paid from YouTube has become a reality .

Although when it comes to our terms it is rather that the media only because none of the 53 pay channels, which are involved in the pilot program is not available in Poland. A

pity, because maybe someone in our country forgotten by Google would pay to watch Sesame Street on YouTube.

this far, however, we know – we know, however, that users will be able to watch free content for paid channels for 14 days, after which they will have to pay for access to at least 0.99 dollar per month. In the case of the above-mentioned Sesame Street (well, officially known as the Jim Henson Family TV, but you know what I mean) but it’s already $ 2.99 per month. In some cases, the fee will be reduced if you choose to pay an annual subscription in advance. She subscription will be valid on any device, on which a particular user is logged on.

YouTube has announced that pay is an extension of the possibilities that already give developers an affiliate program website. This author will decide about whether to charge a fee for access to its content but still before YouTube must qualify it for the program.

introduction of payments for certain channels on YouTube is a logical consequence of the fact that users are abandoning traditional television for all types of on-demand content. YouTube simply enter into adulthood and probably moving toward becoming a direct competitor to Netflix. Even so, with a tear in his eye will remember the innocent beginnings of this site.

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