Monday, May 13, 2013

Internet star says goodbye to the cosmos - Polish Radio


Anna Janicka 13/05/2013

 Commander Hadfield: Internet star says goodbye to the cosmos

class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> Commander Chris Hadfield juggling tomatoes , photo: NASA / / Flickr

  • Control to Major Tom! Get in the Soyuz and put your helmet. Begin the countdown, turn on the engines. Disconnect from the station and may God be with you! Ground Control to Major Tom! You made a big step, now it’s time to leave the station, if you dare. (IAR) Add to playlist

Hadfield is the undisputed star of the Internet. His posts on Twitter acquires more than 700,000 people, and a

profile on Facebook likes more than 250,000. With humor represents internet users daily life in the universe – how to make scrambled eggs or brush your teeth in a state of weightlessness. In addition to playful experimentation commander sings and plays guitar. Hence the idea for a farewell song.

Hadfield changed the lyrics a bit Bowie. He mentions it among others the Soyuz spacecraft, aboard which is expected to return to Earth, a state of weightlessness and viewing the globe from space. Link to the song was placed on Twitter by David Bowie which did not escape artist. He signed him with the words, “Hello, man space”.

song about lost in space astronaut has already been used in the history of space exploration. Individuals with “Space Oddity” was launched shortly before landing the crew of Apollo-11 moon and it was a base for the BBC materials for the event.

video of “Space Oddity” Chris Hadfield was the first musical recording on board the International Space Station. Astronaut has released them a day before returning to Earth. Today begins its return journey on board the Soyuz.



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