researchers have cloned human stem cells
17.05. Warsaw (PAP) – Researchers Dolly was cloned using human embryos, which for the first time can be extracted stem cells – announced letter “Cell”. This opens up new possibilities for tissue and organ culture, but it also raises huge controversy etyczne.Mi?dzynarodowy team of researchers has used ova donated to the experiment by one of the women. Removed from the nucleus, containing the essential part of the DNA, and instead entered the nucleus taken from an eight-month baby’s skin. It is the oldest method of cloning from somatic cells, which was first used in 1996 to breed sheep Dolly.
As in the case of sheep, the embryo was obtained, this time human. The human embryo, however, the development was stopped after five days, when he was at the blastocyst stage, ready for implantation in the uterus. At this stage there are no longer stem cells, which result in all the tissues and organs of a new organism. However, you can use them for breeding the specialized cells in the laboratory.
“Get the first cloned human embryo is an important event for the basic sciences, but its practical relevance to medicine is problematic due to technical and ethical – told PAP MD Maciej Wiznerowicz from the Department of Medical Biotechnology of the University of Medical Sciences. – Scientists depend primarily on demonstrating that it is possible to clone a human embryo from mature cells, and understanding the molecular mechanisms responsible for this process. “But he added that now much more sophisticated method of obtaining stem cells to repair damaged tissues and organs is the creation of. induced pluripotent stem cells.
cloning of human embryos for therapeutic purposes raises serious controversy among doctors and ethicists. “This is the result of morbid ambition of scientists who are fighting for each other laurels of fame” – commented in an interview with PAP prof. Bogdan Chazan, director of the Specialist Hospital. Holy Family in Warsaw. In his view, this reflects a hypertrophy and personal endeavors of researchers who want to necessarily develop the technology of cloning.
The prof. John Hartman, a philosopher and bioethicist Jagiellonian University, believes that the cloning of human stem cells is another victory for science and bioethics is not in doubt. Unethical is demanding the banning of their use – he said. He said that the cloning of human embryos for stem cell procurement is no longer a matter of bioethics. In this case, consensus was achieved. “Cloning of human embryos
cloning of human embryos to obtain stem cells can not be accepted because it is instrumental their treatment – think bioethicists at the University of Opole and the Catholic University of Lublin. “This is unacceptable. This method requires that you first cloned human embryos, which must then kill to use it for other purposes, in this case, as a source of stem cells. This is the subject of treatment of human embryos and can not agree on, “- said in an interview with PAP Fr. prof. Peter Morciniec, bioethicist Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole.
Declaration of the authors of the experiment that the purpose of cloning human embryos to obtain tissue for therapeutic purposes also raises some concerns, Fr. prof. Alfred Wierzbicki, Head of the Chair of Ethics at the Catholic University of Lublin. “Even the authors of the cloning emphasize that the point is not to produce people as clones, only for therapeutic purposes. And that raises the greatest concern (…). If it is a human embryo, this is where it is a moral evil that is trying to be some human beings use to improve the health of other human beings “- said Fr. Wierzbicki.
Howeverethics of UW Assoc. Arches Paul says that he belongs to this discovery approach hysterically, but you should keep a distance and wait for further research and opinions of experts.
Dr. Shoukhrat Mitalipov of Oregon Health & Science University recognizes that you still need to conduct a lot of research to cloning and tissue engineering to be effective and safe. Professor. Chris Mason University College London, in a statement for “BBC News” compares the test to the first attempts of the Wright brothers, aviation pioneers who built the aircraft initially only able to raise the air and make short jumps. In his opinion, the same is now using stem cells.
Other researchers pay attention to the moral concerns such experiments. Dr. David King of Human Genetics Alert warns that they are paving the way for human cloning. In his view, even publishing the results of such research is immoral.
Marcy Darnovsky of the Center for Genetics and Society in California, believes that if allowed to clone human embryos for therapeutic purposes, it should be a ban on human cloning. Points out that under such a moratorium signed by as many as 60 countries.
Dr. Natalie DeWitt from California admits that it is theoretically possible to clone a human embryo by Dolly doubts, however, that it can continue to grow after being placed in a woman’s reproductive organs. Anyway – he adds – most doctors will not take up the ethical reasons. (PAP)
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1999 – 2013 Polish Press Agency

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