Sunday, May 26, 2013

AMD APU - new mobile processors - BBC News

AMD announced a new family of processors from APU Series A and Series E (ie APU Accelerated Processing Unit – Accelerated Processing Systems). On the market there are also computers with this technology.

 APU Series A and Series E - this new AMD / press release

APU Series A and Series E – this is the new AMD

/ press release

Aspire E1 and Aspire V5 - Acer notebooks with AMD

Acer has announced that a new series of notebooks Aspire V5, presented recently in New York, are now available with AMD Mobility Elite and Elite Quad-core A-Series. In addition, today introduced the Aspire notebook series E1 with new generation APU processor, designed for … read more

– client market is evolving due to a greater variety of types and sizes of mobile devices and the higher requirements of the software. AMD is uniquely positioned to provide the best processors to meet the needs of today mobile devices – said Lisa Su senior vice president and general manager, in the Department of Global Business units. – While the computer calculations are becoming more visual and graphics processors can be used for different types of data, our commitment to the community software with APU processor architecture separates us from our competition and allows us to provide the best experience with the use of both tablets, computers, hybrid or notebooks – added

Details Mobile AMD APU processor released in 2013

class processor APU from AMD Mobility Elite

The world’s first 28-nanometer, quad-core APU in the form of the x86 SoC provides the best on the planet graphics

capabilities among all SoC for small, touch notebooks, tablet PCs and hybrids of up to 13 inches. This processor brings the best multimedia experience with HD and play high-quality games.

Available as an A-Series APU processor from AMD – the new platform to be launched in two configurations (A4) and quad (A6), combining processor cores “Jaguar” x86 architecture based on GCN (Graphics Core Next) graphics card AMD Radeon ™ 8000 Series.

to 172% better performance per processor for energy intake and 212% better performance per watt ratio Cards graphic terms his poprzednika2, 3, and up to 12 hours of battery life long activity in idle mode

Up to 45% longer battery operation and almost five times higher graphics performance than the competition,

Full support for touch screens and 1080p full compatibility with Microsoft Windows, including support for Windows Updates Blue

APU Processor AMD Mainstream

Best-in-class graphics card, and the first-in-class quad-core x86 SoC provides the perfect balance between functionality and affordability for the basic class, small , touch notebooks.

combines both two and four processor cores “Jaguar” x86 made in the architecture of GCN (Graphics Core Next) graphics card AMD Radeon ™ 8000 Series, thereby providing a stunning visual effect performance and all-day battery life

Quad-Core APU Mainstream, being part of a family-Series APU processors from AMD (A4 and A6 models) are the first and only quad-core x86 solutions for small and entry-level notebooks.

Dual-core versions of the E-series APU processors AMD models available as E1 and E2

to 132% better visual performance ratio for energy intake, up to 127% better overall performance per 1 watt and up to 25% better energy efficiency compared to previous generations,

A maximum of up to 11 hours of battery life when idle

to 88% better graphics performance, up to 33% better performance in games and up to 29% faster file compression than the competition,

Elite class processor APU from AMD Performance

We are talking about 12% better performance in terms of the total yield and 20-40% better visual performance than the previous generation, including up to 51% better energy efficiency during HD video playback and up to 13 hours of battery life at rest.

Between 39% and 72% better performance than the competition in today’s top games

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