Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Discreet Charm of 29 dollars. Compare cheap deals telephone - Gadzeto Mania

 Telecoms attack us at sztandarmi number 29

Telecoms sztandarmi attack us at the number 29

Telecommunications companies regularly tempt us with promotions, special offers and new tariffs, but usually it’s all worth a pound k?aków. Customers, instead of marketing tricks are hungry for blood – that is a decent price war between telekomami. The Polish market has so far survived two such campaigns, and the third seems to be just coming to an end. What changes brought about?

Long live

price wars!

long time ago, the telecommunications market seemed forever divided between the three main players – Era Plus and idea, which, though started late, quickly made up for the loss. The talks were accounted Minute, offer the card – even though there were – they cost a fortune, and advertising clients tempted castrated Internet accessible via WAP-in. Years passed, and eventually decided to stick competition Era powerful a pin.

may pay much less – the minimum bill is 9 z?. Sounds complicated?

 nju offer mobile

nju offer mobile


services are billed according to the rates: 19 cents per minute, 9 per SMS, 19 MMS for 19 cents per 1 MB transfer. Charges are still to certain limits , which is the amount of PLN 29 per call, nine gold for MMS and SMS messages and 19 z? per transfer (exceeding 1 GB of so-called. Funnel, or reduction in transfer speed).

In practice, two hours talking, 50 SMS and 500 MB of transfer will cost in mobile nju 46.3 z?. Advertised amount of PLN 29 for unlimited talk only pay when not send any SMS message and will not download or byte of data. For this amount you can for it for a month hang constantly on the handset . If you do not we will be using the phone, pay the subscription offer 9 z?.

Red Bull Mobile No Limits

first competitors, who responded to the actions Orange ‘, turned out to play, which in a few hours presented a counterproposal . Like Orange, did not do it in their own name, but with a brand Red Bull Mobile. What suggested

 Red Bull Mobile No Limits

Red Bull Mobile No Limits

Red Bull Mobile No Limits is a fee in the amount of PLN 29.5 and contract for an indefinite . By paying this amount you get unlimited calls to all networks and 50 MB (after crossing the funnel, the opportunity to buy a package). The SMS and MMS pay the 18 cents, and an added bonus is the fact that the use of social media does not restrict our data set. If you want unlimited text messages, we need to set up a subscription for 39.5.

2 hours calls, 50 SMS and 500 MB of transfer will cost the Red Bull Mobile No Limits 49.5 gold (the subscription SMS at that. Without it, the bill will amount to PLN 54.5 ) , which affects the need to purchase, for $ 16, 666 MB transfer. If the whole month we miss the phone and just pay 29.5 z?.

Heyah Non Stop

competition today joined T-Mobile, who, like predecessors did not do it under their own brand, but with Heyah offer Non Stop, which also introduces subscription agreement for an indefinite and interesting in the situation, hire purchase option phones.

 Hayah Non Stop

Heyah Non Stop

Here also we have 29 gold for unlimited calls, nine cents per text message and 19 cents per 100 KB transfer. For two hours talking, 50 SMS and 500 MB of transfer therefore pay 42.5 gold with gold bought for $ 9 500-megabajtowym package data.

Without packet networks using pointless – for half a gigabyte would have paid 950 dollars. If you refuse to take the phone, our monthly bill will be 29 dollars.

What’s profitable?

 The time to adjust, which is advantageous offer

adjust the time that the offer is beneficial

offers, ads that look almost identical, as shown differ, though apart from the number 29, yet they share one thing – a permanent contract and monthly notice periods, which may be attractive especially for those who do not wishing to be long contracts and chose to now offer the card.

For people outside calls occasionally send text messages, it may be interesting to offer Hayah that in certain situations it may be simply the cheapest. On the other hand most flexible appears to offer nju mobile – for the time being only the brand gives you the opportunity, in a situation where we do not use the entire amount of the bill, to pay much less than 29 dollars. The situation changes, however, when we want to actively use the phone.

look real charge when you do not want to have any restrictions? Assume that the next call and SMS need 2 GB of bandwidth per month . With these assumptions in nju mobile with bill pay 69 gold, at the Red Bull Mobile No Limits 59.5 (but no MMS – for each pay an additional 18 cents), and in Hayah Non Stop up to 74 gold (or without MMS , this time at 19 cents).

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