Friday, May 17, 2013

Professor. Hartman: ban on the use of stem cells would be ... -

international team of scientists, led by Masahito Tachibana of the Oregon Health & Science University, announced that cloned human embryos, which for the first time can be extracted stem cells. Because they have the ability to transform into all cells of the body, and they can be used for tissue and organ culture. However, this raises ethical controversies.

Prof. Hartman said, however, that the cloning of human embryos for stem cell procurement is no longer a matter of bioethics. In this case, consensus was achieved. Obtained it as soon as soon as Hwang Woo-suk, South Korean scientists announced in 2005 that he obtained human stem cells from cloned embryos.

The experiment turned out to be a scam, but it is considered that when it possible, you should use the so-called interpretation. public morality, the will of the majority.

“There is no evil, when there is a victim”

– Cloning of human embryos just to obtain stem cells from them, does not harm anyone or infringe anyone’s rights. Not bad

when there is a victim., If not for reproductive purposes, it should be banned – said prof. Hartman.

Its purpose is something else metaphysical and religious views on the merits of cloning or perform medical procedures. This is a personal thing, it’s your right. So if anyone thinks that the cloning of stem cells is contrary to the system value, it does not have that option to use. It can not be personal views and the resulting restrictions imposed to others who do not agree. This is unacceptable – believes.

cloning of stem cells is unethical!

As an example, he cited the Jehovah’s Witnesses, all non-blood transfusion. Nothing in this ban does not exempt: or serious illness, bleeding due to an accident, or even the most extreme cases, they are the followers of Jehovah’s situation justifying a blood transfusion. fanatical adherence to the ban has caused many of them paid with his life.

– Jehovah’s Witnesses can not, however, this prohibition impose the general public – Krakow noted bioethicist. his opinion, the same should the cloning of stem cells and their use in medicine. If the majority approve of such methods, they can not be banned.

– Cloning stem cells is unethical . Conversely, it is unethical to demand a ban on their use in medicine – said prof. Hartman.

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