Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Storming the large room - Republic

Improved Kinect sensor has better recognize body movements & # x142, a console that can also be operated using voice commands

by Ted S. Warren

Source: AP

class=”author”> Peter Ko?cielniak 22-05-2013

Xbox ? One is not just for games. Microsoft began to fight for home entertainment market.

new generation of game consoles Microsoft Xbox family presented during the conference at its headquarters in Redmond. Previous console ? – Xbox 360 – it has been eight years, which in the world of video games is equivalent to two geological epochs. Novelty is faster, better equipped and offers better graphics, which should correspond to the players. But at the conference emphasized the company’s management that the Xbox One is not only razor-game. Don Mattrick, who is responsible for this market segment in the company, did not use a word pad, but a new device called “entertainment system”.

This is the premiere

Xbox One is to offer entertainment on an “all in one” – from a simple TV for interactive web services, data sharing with the world of mobile devices when engaging photo-realistic game.

gadget will compete primarily with the console Sony PlayStation 4 The first difference you could see already in the organization of the conference. Sony, “presenting” its novelty, showed no real console, which had put journalists and analysts in dismay. Microsoft opposite – from the first minutes of the demonstrated capabilities of the new device. – Xbox One looks like an old VCR – commented maliciously participants. But in the middle is the o?miordzeniowy supplied by AMD processor (similar to those that we have in computers and PlayStation 4) and the graphics card. Under the hood was the 500 GB hard drive and optical drive Blu-ray. similarity to PCs is intended to make it easier to write for the console game.

will also be supplied as standard Kinect sensor to control the device using gestures and voice. In this way, you can include start the console, select the operating mode or change the TV channels. Kinect is also now more accurate – allows accurate reading of body movements. “When you exercise, you can even read your pulse” – said representatives of the company. Cameras and microphones also allow you to conduct video calls on your TV screen. Need is Skype (now belongs to Microsoft).

There are not specified when the Xbox One will be on the

market (probably at the end of the year) or how much it will cost.

addition to category

known for the fact that Microsoft gave buyers an attractive game. EA Sports has announced a series of popular programs of FIFA, Madden NFL and NBA Live. Activision prepare a new version of the hit “Call of Duty – Ghosts” uses the graphics capabilities of the console, and the next game from Ubisoft family “Assassin’s Creed”. Microsoft ensures that at launch will be ready car racing “Forza Motorsport 5″.

– We see a huge improvement in terms of the performance of the machine. Use them fully will take some time, but right from the start you will see differences between games for the old and the new generation of Xbox – assured Yves Guillemot of Ubisoft.

It’s just part of what can make the Xbox One. The console will be able to play content such as specially prepared the American football league enriched with interactive data: statistics, repeat the request and the information about players. There is also something special for fans of the hit game “Halo.” Videos based on the series prepares himself Steven Spielberg. They are to be available to the holders of the new console.

war on TV

– Microsoft’s vision is blurring the boundaries between different forms of entertainment. Jumping between them is as easy as changing channels on your TV – says Brian Crecente of the portal polygon. – Prepares system that covers the entire entertainment. If this is the thigh, Xbox One connects all of its forms.

This makes Microsoft not only competes with Sony and Nintendo, but is included on the warpath against companies Google and Apple. The former are now offering software for televisions that make them computers permanently connected to the Internet. The second of several years preparing equipment and services that would be on the television to do the same thing with songs iTunes store did to the music market.

– Microsoft is very strong in the software business, but its part of the consumer is facing major challenges – the BBC says Jia Wu network with Strategy Analytics. – Sales of PCs dropping, and phones with Windows Phone has only a fraction of the market share compared with major competitors. Microsoft’s Xbox shows the strategy for the consumer market. It’s a unique product that allows them to be distinguished from Apple and Google.

game consoles ? account for about 42 per cent. the gaming market, the value of which is estimated at 65 billion dollars. year. In Microsoft’s Entertainment and Devices division earned $ 10 billion less than last year, which is only 13 percent. entirety. However, the importance of dedicated gaming devices decreases. Members leaving the entertainment offered by smartphones and tablets, which allow you to connect to social networking sites, video-on-demand services and directories of music.

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