Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wheat has been - now Digg is flooded by concrete - Gazeta.pl

“affair grain” on’ll kick broke over the weekend. What is it?

few months ago, the network leaked the photo shoot one of administratorek service, signing up Elfik32. Wykopowicze quickly began to transmit the images of a naked woman in the Rye, which initially met with resistance from a single interested. To time.


service administration changed its mind and began to delete posts and ban users publish photos unlucky. As a result, Elfik32 quickly found themselves targeted communities and Wykopowicze began to collect and excavate the more embarrassing administrators of entries. Once and for that I started to ban (as well as any reference to the photo session), the community reached for the good old method of comedians in the PRL-u – allusions. Because of that they began to dig all the content related to the grain. Whole grain situation described here .

affair grain photomontage Digg logos and photo. cars. Steinsky CC BY-SA 1.0

passed weekend. Administration trench had time to react and take countermeasures. First proposed to change the rules.

How do you propose to change the content of art. 5 in order to fully define the actions that should result in ban and that such situations were uncontested?

asked online Michael Bialek, head of the trench. The response was big – triggered until 760 posts.

Bookmark restored

also can make full use of the service of the previously banned users. However, this solution did not za?agodzi?o especially unruly rebel trench community. The situation was not improved by the fact that the tag # corn has been added by the administration to the black list.

Komunikacik fine print indicates that the grain tag was added by excavation to the black list (for no reason, I do not want to, just so I can see). Such censorship that tries to pretend it is not censorship. In other words, the problem is still trying to ignore and suppress, rather than find a solution

read the’ll kick .


this correct behavior? As we explained Anna-Maria Siwi?ska, Community Manager at SociALL

First Dig should clearly inform the community that the moderator was reprimanded. Secondly, it should be clear that this is not a reason to release someone from work. And finally, definitely say that the community was right in the fact that moderator badly done, but people need to realize that they exaggerated.
The effect of all activities

service administration was that a series of excavations of crops replaced a series of excavations of concrete. So it appears that the managers dug burst of rain gutter.

Why concrete? Well, someone said that the administration website is as concrete . And then it began.

wykop Fig. Bookmark

Siwi?ska adds that

First of all, we must remember that in the confrontation moderator community versus community always wins. For one thing, there’s more.

James W?tor of Gazeta Wyborcza notes while

It is difficult to assess whether the scandal grain and concrete Wykop.pl also lose financially. According to Paul July of dealing with community building corporate Erudion.pl it is too early to judge anything. – It is difficult to predict whether this will have a real impact on any changes in the service or will another funny case’m on training – says. He adds that it is necessary to wait a few more days. The first effects of the financial scandal will tell you if the case will continue for at least a week. But is it possible that the administration trench was so unreasonable and waded into the conflict? – Why not? But I suspect that Wykop.pl headed for the NC + – corresponding to July.

trench Fig. SentiOne

When users and their activity are the most important element of the website owner loses symbolic power. It’s not “his” service, it is “their” service. This is what is happening now with a kick. Some people have been involved with all the power in a concrete affair, but another says it in protest delete an account on’ll kick, or leave the service. How real is the threat, and the wave has already started mass deleting accounts? Michael asked a protein, the head of the excavation. Update the text as soon as we get an answer from him.

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