Source: Corbis
class=”author”> Peter Ko?cielniak 17-05-2013
breakthrough in the development of stem cells. The researchers obtained them from cloned human embryos.
Researchersclass=”c1″> Mitalipov Shoukhrata team managed to do over the host genetics labored for over a decade. Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University have downloaded stem cells from cloned human embryos. The lab created several dozen embryos cells. They can serve as a source of stem cells for the production of “spare parts” for the sick. But it is possible that it may have created man.
old method, ? new result
The researchers used the technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer (containing DNA) into the empty before the egg. Unfertilized ovum develops and “produced” stem cells.
Similar achievement announced in 2004, disgraced Korean scientist Hwang Woo-suk. In the journal ‘Science’ claimed that he had cloned human embryos. A year later found that he was able to get them stem cells. This in turn meant a revolution in regenerative medicine – stem cells allowed a genetically matched to a particular person (the donor DNA ). quickly became clear, however, that “success” was fabricated, and the Korean scientist is simply a fraud.
During subsequent experiments in a variety of research, scientists have found that cloned human embryos simply did not want to “go” 6-12 cell stage. It’s not enough to use them as a source of stem cells. This prevented a human clone.
This time the team Mitalipov scientists argue that the mistake or forgery can not be said. The work took six years. Sam Mitalipov stresses that success is not the result of a breakthrough, but the result of painstaking improvement techniques available today. The success of the researchers tells the magazine “Cell”.
There is an alternative
– Detailed examination of these cells suggests that they have the ability to transition into several types, including neural cells, liver, and heart, as normal stem cells – said Mitalipov. – To develop safe methods of using these cells to treat a long way, but it’s an important step forward.
The progresssays such prof. Chris Mason of University College London. Compared to achieve team Mitalipov to “the success of the Wright brothers.” George Daley of Children’s Hospital Boston, a geneticist specializing in stem cell research, described the results of his colleagues from Oregon as “a significant step in a long journey” for the purpose of creating a tissue equivalent Genetically recipient.
However, there are criticisms. First described by the “Cell” method requires the destruction of embryos. Currently, there are other, non-controversial method of obtaining stem cells – that is the reprogramming of adult cells. Such induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are not quite as versatile as the ‘real’ germ cells, however, are obtained them from adults.
Introduction to the horror?
cloning of human embryos and can be used for reproductive purposes – what is now taboo.
– Our studies are focused on the creation of stem cells for use in therapy – Mitalipov reserves. – Revolutionary advances in this field often lead to a discussion about the ethics of human cloning, but it is not our goal. Our results can not be translated into reproductive cloning.
These provide not ustrzeg?y scientists from criticism. – Even therapeutic cloning requires a decision on the use of human beings at the earliest stage of life as a warehouse, and from which the desired cells – says Tad Pacholczyk of the American National Catholic Bioethics Center. – You create them just to destroy them later.
Just think Marcy Darnovsky, director of the Center for Genetics and Society. As she said, it is satisfied that Mitalipov excludes the use of embryos as a prelude to human cloning. In her opinion, this is a good time to prohibit the use of cloning for reproduction.
– Scientists have finally got it, they had dreamed – the method of production of cloned human embryos – said Dr. David King of Human Genetics Alert. – This means that today, the most important is to establish a ban on human cloning, even before the study goes on. The publication of these results is an extreme irresponsibility.
have a question, send an e-mail to the author
p.koscielniak @ rp.pl

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