Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Johnny Depp goes to textbooks paleontology - Republic

Kooteninchela deppi

Source: AFP

class=”author”> amk 21-05-2013

Hollywood actor Johnny Depp can count on eternal fame due to low stawonogowi millions of years ago.

The name of the star paleontologists

called extinct 505 million years before, called him Kooteninchela deppi.

is a distant ancestor of

lobsters and scorpions. Because of its claws paleontologists reminded of Edward Scissorhands, film character played by Depp (for the role he received a Golden Globe nomination).

“To tell the truth, I’m a bit of a fan of Depp, and what better way to honor him than perpetuate the name of the old creatures that once lived in the sea?” – Explains the explorer David Legg, from Imperial College London.

Genre Kooteninchela deppi areas inhabited shallow coastal seas. The specimen found in British Columbia, Canada, which 500 million years ago, lay much closer to the equator than it is today.


measured the length of about four inches. Pliers could serve him both for hunting and to seek carrion in the seabed.

findings were published in the journal “Journal of Palaeontology.”

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