Saturday, December 28, 2013

Military robots that kill - Business Pulse

Automatic equipment, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), now play an increasingly important role in the army. Drones tip in favor of the U.S. war against Islamic terrorism. Detected thanks to the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011, and they killed most of the leaders of Al-Qaeda in recent years. The first job in the military are already being used for tasks such as disarming bombs. In the near future, will be used to combat tasks.

Agency Advanced Research Projects (called shortcut: DARPA) Ministry of Defence, held before Christmas in Florida called. Robotics Challenge “contest” the latest generation of military robots. This is a machine – as defined by the Pentagon – “fully autonomous” that the war will not require a remote control, as they are programmed to themselves, without human intervention, commissioned to perform their tasks.

is anticipated that the first state of the art works will be used in such actions as an army rescue missions and activities in the areas contaminated by biological and chemical weapons or irradiated after a nuclear attack. Pentagon stresses that robots will “save lives”, but according to independent experts, only a matter of time is to use the “autonomous” robots equipped with weapons to kill people.

For example

humanoid named Valkyrie is a soldier-robot to fight on land. The design of such robots are used to imitate the elements of nature, such as armor in the form of ichthyosis, which provides greater flexibility of movement. The testing phase is a flying robot, marked X47-B, capable of nadlatywania the purpose and destruction without the need for a remote control.

Israeli army armored vehicle tested robotic, which will be used for the disposal of terrorist threats. In the demilitarized zone on the border of South Korea with North Korea is soon to be installed robot has SGR-1, manufactured by the company Samsung, the sensors will detect a human target at a distance of 3 km and that will run it himself missiles in his direction.

According to experts, the military, for about 10 years on

every soldier in the army will be accounted for 10 robots. At the front of the soldiers will be accompanied by works, shielding them on the flanks, watching the area in search of the enemy and detecting landmines. Robotic army reduces the risk of casualties among its soldiers, but according to the anti-war organization raises ethical issues and legal issues. In its report last year the New York Human Rights Watch and the organization Human Rights Clinic at Harvard University have found that the use of robots will prove to be incompatible with the standards of the Geneva and Hague Conventions governing the methods of warfare.

As pointed out in the “Daily Beast” Christopher Dickey, in a case such as the killing of civilians by the robot blurred because more than ever the responsibility for this act. “If something bad happens, you blame: the programmer? Or maybe the machine manufacturer? “- Writes the author. And because the threat of loss of life is minimized, “may also give rise to the temptation to attack and escalate conflicts more lightly than when you have to translate from their parents and wives of fallen soldiers.”

In his report, both these organizations advocate prohibition of “fully autonomous weapons” and call on governments to seek to eliminate it. In April of this year. UN Special Rapporteur on human rights called for the discontinuation of work on robots that governments could at least examine the likely consequences of their use. He supported this claim by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. More than 40 countries spoke out for the conclusion of international agreements that govern the development of deadly robots.

Dickey and other writers, however, believe that the proposals ban on military robots are utopia. Probably even attempt to halt work on them are doomed to fail. Their supporters point out that the works, but do not feel pity, are also resistant to negative emotions, such as panic, anger and desire for revenge, which sometimes lead to war crimes. Defenders of robots using a general argument that the progress of military technology led – if you miss the effect of the use of nuclear weapons twice – to a huge reduction in losses in the last half-century civil.

Precision aerial bombardment during the war in Iraq brought incomparably less than the civilian victims of aerial bombardment during World War II.

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