beginning of each year is a feast for lovers of flat screens. It was in January, CES held in Las Vegas, where the two electronics manufacturers over backwards to attract the world with their hardware. There are, of course, cell, tablets, computers and consoles. But every year there is also a TV. Both the parent and developing only.
year’s CES TV set trends for the year. That’s what we saw in the form of announcements and promises in January during the fair in Las Vegas over the next twelve months slowly appeared in press releases and stores. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Incredibly dynamic market makers attacked the panels with resolutions Ultra High Definition. in Las Vegas 4K TVs showed almost every .
– Samsung – 85 and 110 inch model S9000
– Toshiba – 84, 58 and 65 inch model L9300
– LG – 56 and 65 inches
– Sony – 56 and 65 inches
– Sharp – 32 inch monitors and two televisions 4K
Toshiba Ultra High Definition
Prices innovations were not known, but according to all manufacturers asserted that offer 4K will continue to grow, there will be less receivers, and our financial advisers will no longer get short of breath for news about the prices of new TVs.
Nine months later, at the IFA 2013 in Berlin, knew that these promises have been met. Companies that do not offer 4K TVs could be counted on the fingers of one hand. At a time when manufacturers increasingly difficult to impress clients image quality, the Ultra HD was salvation for marketing and sales departments. Suddenly it turned out that the picture may be even sharper detail may be more, and the client viewing the presentation in the store can even louder sigh with delight.
Ultra HD TV has dominated this year. There was almost a month without announcements of new TVs, price reductions, presenting interesting solutions or unusual ideas. He has also appeared HDMI 2.0 , which I wrote on my blog. Thanks to 4K content to be even better, easier to display and integration with home theater.
Fig. Simon Adamus
Unfortunately, from the perspective of Polish recipient in the subject Ultra HD has not changed one thing – content. I still do not have channels which broadcast in such high resolutions, still can not buy movies on optical media, and to make matters worse there is not even UHD in digital distribution. In the U.S. the situation is a little better. Sony offers films of this type from your network service appear first players and plans to launch 4K channels. In Europe, no problem already buy equipment, but if you do not have a very powerful computer that can handle games at a resolution of 4K, then a new TV UHD mainly watch sample content, images, and presentations.
At CES 2013 could not miss the OLED technology. The loudest of the Samsung said that even mentioned mass production of bent displays.
Fracases Korean manufacturers, Samsung and LG, lasted the whole year. Reality once again verified but loud ensure that companies and OLED had ever further delays . Technology has performed well in the mobile market, but home theater was still just a curiosity. So it will be a long time, because it’s new, expensive and difficult to manufacture a solution that requires refinement. However, at the end of this year, in December, saw the light in the tunnel. LG took off with the sale of its slightly curved, 55-inch OLED TV. She was a sumptuous party, and receivers hit the shelves. Finally.
Fig. LG
course, price 40 000 z? for a 55-inch TV will deter most buyers. In this respect, the year 2013 did not bring any changes. Poles still prefer to buy televisions cheap (for about 2000 z?) and small (maximum 46 inches). Hideously expensive OLED larger size up to be a hit of the season.
However, there is to be one. While at the presentation of the possibilities vision of what awaits us for some time. The first plasma also cost a fortune. The first LCD was far from perfect. OLED still needs a few years to begin to compete with liquid crystals. In December 2013 the process began in Poland, however. Regardless of the price and the possibility of finally with us, you can buy a TV made in a completely new technology. Long we had to wait.
Fig. Samsung
New hardware is needed, because it seems that 2013 will be a turning point in even one respect – the death of plasmas. For years it was said that plasma receivers are no longer able too long to compete with liquid crystal rivals. Plasmas have lost much of their advantage, they have become less competitive energy, and most importantly, it supported only a few companies. The strongest proponent of this technology was for years Panasonic. In March 2013, however, we
Panasonic, which was and is the industry leader in electronics, is also developed range of products in all segments of the TV. Thoroughly investigate and observe customer preferences and based on not prepare our product strategy. Regarding the segment plasmas, do not stop to provide customers with the reference plasma screens, focusing on high quality and innovative additions (…) We will also develop plasma technology in the B2B segment
– commented in April, a representative of the manufacturer on his blog Citizen HD .
But something was brewing. For many months. Services on the thematic gouged, bloggers were asking, and marketers take in water in the mouth. Up until November 2013, when the world heard officially that what was said a long time – Panasonic plasmas resigns .
Fig. Panasonic and its own
sounds very dramatic, but that’s how it should be, because it’s the end of an era. The Japanese company has supported PDP technology since 2014, and two years ago claimed that there is no better solution for home theaters. Last year, however, things started to change. Panasonic started to invest in LCD, show new TVs of this type and no longer strongly emphasize the advantage plasmas. Officially, plasma TVs have ceased to be competitively priced and are not able to compete on the market with a dominant LCD. One of the less obvious reasons of death was observed plasmas is their appetite for electricity. Energy efficiency standards for televisions are becoming more restrictive and difficult to produce large, commercial PDP with high quality and 4K resolution, which meets the required standards. Panasonic escapes from the ship, which sooner or later had to sink. It seems that this will happen in 2014.
Research Polish market
Along with the plasma to rest go too slowly the traditional video rental. In 2013, the most significant evidence of this thesis was to close the Beverly Hills rental network video.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we regret to inform you that on May 20, 2013 all salons in Beverly Hills Video ceased their activities. We would like to thank all the customers, who for more than 16 years business benefited from our services, in the current situation, we still have much to apologize to all customers and partners for any resulting inconvenience
– posted on May Board of Beverly Hills Video Sp. oo, and we checked whether the available VOD services in Poland are able to replace traditional accommodation.
Year 2013 also passes under the new cinema. 3D Glasses in dark rooms do not wonder anybody. The third dimension of cinema does not disappear, because still perfectly earns. But it needs further news. At the beginning of the first time we saw The Hobbit at 48 frames per second. In November, we learned that the second part of the film will be able to enjoy not only the image smoother but also more perfect sound. Dolby Atmos for now is only available in one cinema in Poland, but this is the first step in the right direction.
What else
2013 fans spoiled flat screen
– There are new Internet applications Smart TV platforms, and if anyone has not yet had enough, you could buy a low cost starter with Android.
– a new generation of consoles, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with summer on store shelves (not Microsoft’s product in Poland), but their opportunities of films are so disappointing that more become cheap Blu-ray player.
– OCCP imposed nearly 11 million z? penalty for nc + and start the platform was one of the biggest nightmares marketing satellite TV providers in the history of the Polish market.
– Microsoft showed a prototype system IllumiRoom and stirred the imagination of many a fan of augmented reality and home theater.
– Manufacturers screens projected on the head Took the wind in the sails, but I do not yet caused a revolution.
– Chinese brands have joined the race for a European client and shows that it is not going to give up without a fight.
Fig. Simon Adamus
Given all the news, it is difficult to expect more intense in 2014. Although … Who knows. For sure we will see even fiercer struggle for OLED TVs. At CES 2014 rumored to appear receivers bent upon request, and within a year certainly awaits us many a prime minister of this market segment. After all, a hole in the plasmas need something to fill.
Smart TV will become even more smart, and if Apple finally decides to enter the TV market, it can make us wait for the next evolution of online TV.
Resolution Ultra HD will continue to be promoted as currently the largest (next OLED) TVs technological innovation, but in terms of content availability in Poland, we should not expect a breakthrough.
The good news is that if 2014 is even half as interesting as the last 365 days, the TV fans waiting for a technological treat.
Simon Adamus

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