Sunday, December 8, 2013

Become Santa Claus and register as a bone marrow donor -

Author Slawomir Orlik

  • ” Be medullary santa clause “- the motto action starts registering bone marrow donors in Swinoujscie. Fig. Luke Sze?emej [Radio Szczecin / Archive]

36 people signed up at St. Nicholas Day Marrow Donors in Swinoujscie. The three-day campaign ended on

Sunday evening.

– The more people join, the greater the chance of saving someone’s life – says Krzysztof Latin action coordinator. – The probability of hitting the donor is as low as 1 to several million. The whole procedure consists of filling in the questionnaire and saliva swabbed. In this world we are not alone and do not know if we’re going to need help.

Donor marrow registers Foundation DKMS Poland. Today is the biggest in the country base of potential donors. In Poland, there are over 300,000 people, for comparison, in Germany, the register is 10 times larger.

Another action logging in Swinoujscie potential donors on Jan. 12, during the final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.

In Poland there are over 300,000 people in Germany compared to 10 times more registered potential donors.

– The more people join, the greater the chance of saving someone’s life – says Krzysztof Latin action coordinator.

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