Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Defenders of life came more than atheists – Republic

Defenders of life came more than atheists – Republic

Demonstrations atheists can mobilize Catholics to set themselves fundamental questions about the motivations of their faith – said Cardinal. Kazimierz Nycz participants 
 IX March Holiness of Life.

Marching under the slogan “He, she, from conception” under the leadership of Metropolitan of Warsaw, Cardinal. Nycz and Ordinary of the Diocese of Warsaw-Prague Archbishop. Henryk Hoser set off yesterday from Castle Square in Warsaw . With banners “Every child is a gift from heaven” or “Genderyzm – dangerous disease XXI Century” under the basilica of St. Cross in Krakow suburb over more than 1000 people.

Face of the procession were members of the Catholic Association of the Disabled, who carried the prescribed manually on a 30-meter canvas words homily John Paul II. “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without a future” – said the Pope in 1997, during the

sixth pilgrimage to Polish.

According to the Cardinal. Nycz march is to bear witness to basic values ​​such as human life. – Human life is sacred, both that which is at the heart of the mother and the old man – reminded.

I referred to the march of atheists, who on Saturday went through the streets of the capital and ended the reconstruction of execution Casimir Lyszczynski, XVII -century author of the treatise przeczącego the existence of God. The demonstrators (there were about 300) were carrying signs with the names of famous people who are atheists, including Alfred Nobel, Stanislaw Lem, Roman Polanski, Paul McCartney and Brad Pitt.

– These marches may mobilize Catholics to this, to try to accomplish some fundamental questions about the motivations of their faith, why believe? What are my beliefs? How do I express it? – Said Cardinal. Nycz.



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Samsung flooded world markets their smartphones. Apple, LG … –

In the first quarter of this year, global markets went 281.5 million smartphones. That’s about 28% more than the previous year (218.8 million).. Compared with the fourth, “festive” quarter of last year, the result is lower by 2.8%.

At the same time significantly increased the share of smartphones sold in boxes – one year ago it was 50.7% today smart phones to 62.7% of sales.

The following table shows the volume of supplies (Shipment Volumes) and participation in the global market (market share). As you can see Samsung outclassed rivals in both categories – delivered to sell 85 million smartphones. A year ago it was 69.7 million. As for the market share it lost 1.7% of Koreans (now the result is 30.2%, a year ago it was 31.9%). Despite the increase in the volume of deliveries (43.7 million to 37.4 million) market share lost to Apple (15.5% instead of

17.1%). But it is the only company that – apart from the leader – reached double-digit score.


Fig. IDC

If you count the time that Apple and LG , Lenovo and Huawei would appear that the total supply to the markets of less than Samsung devices. The total share of the global smartphone market would also be smaller (would be 29.4%).

IDC, the company that developed the above analysis predicts that the market this year will hit 1.2 billion smartphones. A year ago it was 1 billion pieces so market will grow 19.3% per cent. This is much less than in the record year of 2013 when it went into distribution by 39.2% more smartphones than a year earlier.

The demand for smartphones continues to grow – especially testifies to the increasing number of delivered equipment of this type. Somewhat surprising as low market share are as solid brands like LG and Lenovo. Samsung, and even Apple, they seem to be absolutely beyond the reach of the competition.

[for TheNextWeb ]

For the first time measured the length of an extrasolar planet –

2014-04-30 19:00

Po first measured the length of the planet pozasłonecznej

Observations carried out using ESO’s VLT (Very Large Telescope) allowed the determination of the first extrasolar planet rotation period. It turned out that one day “on Beta Pictoris b lasts just eight hours. This is much less than on any planet in the solar system – Beta Pictoris planet’s equator b moves at a speed of almost 100 000 km / h relationship between mass and turnover rate observed in the solar system, can now be tested as in the case of extrasolar planets. Similar techniques allow astronomers to perform in the future, detailed maps of extrasolar planets by the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT).

Planet Beta Pictoris b exoplanet orbits visible to the naked eye star Beta Pictoris [1], [2], that is, 63 light years away from Earth and is visible in the constellation Painter. Planet discovered almost six years ago, was one of the first exoplanets imaged directly. It orbits its star at a distance of only eight times larger than the Earth-Sun distance (eso1024) – making it the closest planet relative to its star from directly photographed. [3]

Dutch team of astronomers from Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) used the instrument on the VLT CRIRES and discovered that the speed of rotation of the planet Beta Pictoris Equatorial b is almost 100 000 km / h For comparison, Jupiter equator rotates at a speed of about 47 000 km / h [4], and the terrestrial only 1700 km / h [5]. Beta Pictoris b is 16 times larger and 3000 times more massive than Earth, and the day on this planet takes only 8 hours.

, I do not know why some planets rotate rapidly and others more slowly “, says co-author Remco de Kok, , but the first measurement of rotation exoplanets shows that the trend seen in the solar system, according to which the more massive planets rotate faster is true also for extrasolar planets. Must be a universal consequence the way in which the planets formed. “

Beta Pictoris b is a planet very young, is only 20 million years (compared to 4.5 billion years of the Earth) [6]. It is believed that over time the planet cooled and shrinks, causing still faster rotation [7]. On the other hand, may play a role other processes changing the rotation of the planet. For example, the rotation of the Earth around its axis is slowed down by tidal interactions with the Moon.

Astronomers used a very precise technique called spectroscopy wysokodyspersyjną to separate the light into its component colors – different wavelengths in the spectrum. The principle of Doppler effect (or Doppler shift) allowed the use of a change in wavelength to detect that the different parts of the planets move at different speeds and in opposite directions relative to the observer. After carefully removing the effects of the much brighter star, scientists were able to pluck the signal from the planet’s rotation.

“We measured the wavelength of the radiation emitted by the planet with an accuracy of one part in one hundred thousand, so that the measurements are sensitive to Doppler effect, which revealed the speed of the emitting object. “ says Ignas Snellen principal author. ,, With this technique, we found that different parts of the planet’s surface are moving in our direction, or moving away from us at different speeds, which can only be explained by the fact that the planet rotates around its axis. “

This technique is closely related to Doppler imaging, which was used for decades for mapping the surface of the star, and recently also map a brown dwarf [8] – Luhman 16B (eso1404). rapid turnover of Beta Pictoris b is the in the future it will be possible to develop a global map of the planet, a potential-evident systems of clouds and big storms.

, this technique can be applied to a much larger group of exoplanets thanks to the incredible resolution and sensitivity of the E-ELT and wysokodyspersyjnego imaging

spectrograph. Planned Mid-infrared E-ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) will be able to perform a global map of extrasolar planets and determine ownership of much smaller planets than Beta Pictoris b “ says Bernhard Brandl, chief project scientist and co-author of METIS.


[1] Beta Pictoris has many other signs, such as HD 39060, SAO 234134 and HIP 27321.

[2] Beta Pictoris is the most famous example of a star surrounded by a disk. It is known that the disk extends to a distance of about 1000 times larger than the distance Earth-Sun. Past observations of the planet around Beta Pictoris have been reported in eso0842, eso1024 and eso1408.

[3] The observations were made using the technique of adaptive optics, which compensates for turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere, disrupting images obtained even in the best astronomical sites in the world . This technique allows astronomers to obtain super-sharp images, almost as good as from space.

[4] Because Jupiter has no solid surface, for which one could determine the pace of the market, we have given the speed of the atmosphere at the equator, which is 47 000 km / h

[5] The rotation speed of the Earth at the equator is 1,674.4 km / h

[6] Earlier measurements suggested that the system is younger.

[7] is a consequence of the principle of conservation of angular momentum. The same effect causes the rotation of the skater on the ice accelerates rapidly when pressed his hands to the body.

[8] Brown dwarfs are often called “failed stars” because, in contrast to stars like the sun, I never become hot enough to start nuclear fusion reactions.


The results described in the article Fri “Fast spin of a young extrasolar planets”, I. Snellen et al., Which will be released on May 1, 2014, in Nature .

Composition of the research team: Ignas AG Snellen (Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands), Remco J. de Kok (SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands), Ernst JW de Mooij (Leiden Observatory) and Simon Albrecht (Department of Physics and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Leiden Observatory)

ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organization in Europe and the most productive astronomical observatory in the world. It is supported by 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, United Kingdom and Italy. ESO carries out an ambitious program focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organizing cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope (Very Large Telescope), the world’s most advanced astronomical observatory in visible light and two survey telescopes. VISTA works in the infrared and is the world’s largest survey telescope instrument and the VLT Survey Telescope is the largest telescope designed to exclusively survey the skies in visible light. ESO is the European partner of a revolutionary astronomical telescope ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. ESO is currently planning a 39-meter European Extremely Large Telescope (European Extremely Large optical / near-infrared Telescope – E-ELT), which will become “the world’s biggest eye on the sky”.


  • Scientific Publication
  • Photos VLT
  • Photos CRIRES
  • CRIRES instrument on the VLT
  • More about METIS: A Mid- infrared E-ELT Imager and Spectrograph


Krzysztof Devil
Centre for Astronomy UMK
Torun, Poland
Tel.: + 48 513 733 282

Ignas Snellen of Leiden Observatory

Leiden, The Netherlands
Tel.: + 31 71 52 75 838
Tel. Mobile: +31 63 00 31 983

Richard Hook ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 3200 6655 Tel
. Mobile: +49 151 1537 3591 E-mail

This is a translation of the Communication press ESO eso1414

Vulnerability in Internet Explorer. Experts warn … – News 24

Microsoft warns of vulnerability in Internet Explorer that hackers can exploit to take control over our computer. Particularly vulnerable are people using Windows XP.

 / Fig. To André Karwath aka Aka (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons Cybersecurity experts for the U.S. and the UK suggest use other browsers than Internet Explorer until Microsoft (the creator of the browser) to fix a security hole that allows hacking into the computer. They also recommend making sure your antivirus software installed on your computer is up to date.

As reported by , an error in the browser software today announced the company FireEye, which deals with cyber security.

Due to security vulnerabilities, an unauthorized person can completely take control of the computer’s operating system enough that we get on a malicious web page. The problem concerns only browsers versions from 6 to 11 As reported by Microsoft, there were already some hackers.

Marcin Klimowski of the Polish branch of Microsoft, said: “We are aware of limited range attacks on individual clients. Upon completion of vulnerability analysis will take appropriate action to protect the users of our products by providing amendments to the standard monthly cycle or through a dedicated patch release cycle off “- reports

If you do not want to abandon the use of Internet Explorer, the company FireEye recommends disabling the plugin supports Flash.

Microsoft announces the introduction of renovation that will fix the error. It will be available to download independently, or together with other system updates. Does not apply to members Windows XP , because Microsoft does not provide any more updates for this particular system.

The market has been saturated? Samsung’s phone sales for the first time … – dobreprogramy

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This is the length of an extrasolar planet –

2014-04-30 19:33

Oto length of the planet pozasłonecznej

[Photo: dracozlat -]

researchers studied the planet for Beta Pictoris b called turned out that one day on the planet Earth in just eight hours, which means that its rotation around its axis is much faster than the Earth. The discovery has informed the European Southern Observatory (ESO), and the research work presents the study will be released on May 1 in Nature.

planet revolves around the star Beta Pictoris b, distant from us by 63 light years. Star visible to the naked eye in the constellation Painter. It is known as a flagship example of a disk of matter. The disk was already known before, and the presence of planets detected six years ago.

The distance of the planet from the star is eight times larger than the Earth-Sun distance. The property is very young, its age is estimated at 20 million years. The planet has a diameter of 16 times the mass of Earth, and as many as 3,000 times larger than our planet.

In their
observations, the researchers used the VLT telescope belonging to the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and working at the Paranal Observatory in Chile. Use of the instrument CRIRES done a very accurate spectroscopic observations and after removal of the effects coming from the star established that various parts of the planets move at different speeds in our direction and in the opposite direction.

The measurements indicate that the speed of rotation of the planet equatorial Beta Pictoris b is almost 100,000 km / h For comparison, the speed of Jupiter is 47,000 km / h, and the earth is less than 1700 km / h

do not know why some planets rotate rapidly and others more slowly, but the first measurement of rotation exoplanets shows that the trend seen in the solar system, according to which the more massive planets rotate faster is true also for extrasolar planets. It must be a universal consequence of the way in which the planets formed – explains Remco de Kok, one of the members of the research team.

Scientists speculate that the planet cools over time and reduce its radius, which should cause even further increase in the rate of rotation, the principle analogous to spin faster skaters on the ice, when pressed her hands to the body.

study conducted by a team of Dutch astronomers at Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute for Space Research. Ignas Snellen led group. Astronomers predict that the technique will be able to be used in the future to a much larger group of extrasolar planets, and that you can make a global map of the surface or atmosphere of such planets.