Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dolphins have the longest memory of animals - PAP

Dolphins have the longest memory of animals

Author PAP – 3 hours. this

07.08. Washington / London (PAP) – U.S. researchers say dolphins, and not, as previously thought, elephants have the best long-term memory of animals. After 20 years they are able to recognize the whistles, the sounds made by other mammals, this species – according to the BBC website on Wednesday News.Naukowcy take into account the relationship between the 56 dolphins butlonosymi that have lived together, and then were placed in six different Zoos and aquariums USA and Bermuda. The researchers placed underwater speakers, from which you could hear the sounds made by dolphins, both of whom lived before, as well as foreign. It was observed that the animals heard a familiar whistle stop for longer at the speaker, while ignoring the unknown sounds – we

read in the journal “Proceedings of the Royal Society B”, which published the results of an experiment.

As an example, researchers give a case of two females, Allie and Bailey, who as a young man lived along the coast of Florida, and then were separated. Bailey, who is currently in Bermuda, hearing the sounds made by Allie responded immediately, though she had no contact with another female for over 20 years.

“Dolphins are sociable longest + memory + in the animal kingdom because of their distinctive whistle does not change” with age – says one of the authors of the study Dr. Jason Bruck at the University of Chicago.

With good memory dolphins a few times in a lifetime can change the herd, and then come back to it. Dr. Bruck says that the memory of these incredible mammals enables them to distinguish between individuals with negative social behavior of those with whom you can establish a friendly relationship.

Next, the researchers want to find out if dolphins hear the whistling of his former comrades, they imagine themselves in some way. (PAP)

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