Saturday, August 31, 2013

NASA discovered the grand canyon beneath the ice of Greenland -

id=”intertext_1″> Scientists from NASA through the years collected by the provided by satellites and aircraft, made a remarkable discovery. We managed to find a great canyon below the surface of the ice in Greenland.

id=”intertext_1″> Canyon has the characteristics of the river channel and is over 750 km long, making it longer than the U.S. Grand Canyon. Its depth is estimated at about 800 meters and a width of about 10 km. It is estimated that over the last few million years, the channel was covered ice cover.

id=”intertext_1″> Jonathan Bamber, a professor at Bristol University, UK, lead author of the study confessed to the media that, although many believe that the area of ??the planet has been carefully

examined, it turns out that the maps are still there a lot of white spots, which are only now being completed.

id=”intertext_1″> important role in this discovery had a project called “IceBridge operation” run by NASA in 2009-2012, using such g??boko?ciowy radar research center operated by the Remote Sensing of the ice sheets at the University of Kansas. In this way, they could see what is hidden under layers of ice in places having more than 2 km thick.

id=”intertext_1″> Scientists believe that the canyon played an important role in the transport of meltwater from the inside edge of the Greenland ice sheet to the ocean. Evidence suggests that before the advent of the ice sheets, which is about 4 million years ago, the water running down the canyon to the coast and then served as a fairly important role in this area of ??the river system.

id=”intertext_1″> According to scientists, the existence of this canyon may be the answer to the question why in Greenland there are no large glacial lakes.

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