Friday, May 30, 2014

The head of Google: the right to be forgotten can strengthen … – TVN 24 Business and World

Larry Page rated the new rules

Photo: Marcin Mycielski, European Parliament, CC BY SA Wikipedia Larry Page rated new rules

new European law can be used by less progressive governments to increase control of the internet – considers the head of Google Larry Page.

In an interview, Page said that the new law, which forced Google to implement the possibility of deletion requests, may in the future contribute to the destruction of the technology startup s.

– The law will used by less progressive governments than those in Europe to do bad things – warned Page.

Google launched …

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Larry Page assured that Google is trying to increase its involvement in Europe, being” more European “.

Head of Europe praised Google for “vigilance” in the matter relating to the activities of the NSA. He assured, however, that data stored by Google have a reputation when it comes to protection.

To Do

Google launched on Friday a special website, through which the user can request to have disappeared from the network links to information about him. The company performs in this way the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which on May 13 ruled that Google must give Internet users’ right to be forgotten “.

Google must remove the links from the search results relating to personal data of individuals, if they want this alone interested in, and information about it are “irrelevant or outdated.”

If Google does not consider any request to remove the link, decision might be appealed first to the national data protection

supervisor, then to the court. The decision was taken as support for the so-called. right to be forgotten (right to be forgotten), that the right individuals to erase from the public circulation of information relating to them.

Author: mn / / / Source: The Guardian, TVN 24 Business and the World

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You can now try to “unsubscribe” to the search engine Google – PC World

Google has released a form that allows a private person to submit an application for the removal of specified items from search results.

itemprop=”articleBody description text” id=”tresc”/>

Several years ago, the Spaniard Mario González Costeja in default of payments for social security. In the end, his house was auctioned off, and informed one of the Spanish logs. A few years later, the information about the event is posted by the online journal, which was equivalent to that man’s name began to appear in a Google search with the unflattering information about him arrears of fees.

Costeja asked the newspaper to ask for the removal of the said information, explaining that paid the arrears. Not met with understanding, so I turned to the matter also to Google. Here, too, has done nothing so I finally decided to report the matter to the Spanish counterpart of our Inspector General (General Inspector for Personal Data Protection), which found that the newspaper does not have to do anything, and Google promised to remove appearing in search engine data at issue.

See also:

  • Updated Google Maps for Android brings several changes
  • Google does not have to delete the data from your search results. It can not be responsible for third parties
  • itemprop=”articleBody description text” id=”tresc”> new privacy options on Facebook

In turn, Google appealed the decision to the Spanish court. This and remanded the case to the EU Court of Justice for an opinion on whether Internet users have the right to require Google to remove their data.

May 13 EU Court issued a ruling recognizing in him, that, in certain circumstances, if surfer wants, Google must remove items from search results containing his name.

Google provides a form

Of course, this decision is very out of hand Google . However, it has decided to cooperate with the EU, which was confirmed by providing a form ‘Request for removal results in accordance with European law on the protection of personal data “.

“The Court of Justice of the European Union recently decided that some users may request to remove items from search results containing their name, if the results are” incorrect, inappropriate or excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are processed. “In connection with this decision, all requests will be considered individually in order to protect the privacy of individuals while not infringe the rights of access to public information, or to be granted. consider requests to take into account whether the search results contain outdated information, or increased public interest in the information – for example, whether they relate to fraud, irregularities in their work, prosecution or public behavior of government representatives. ” – Explains Google.

For the filling in the application need is a scan of a valid photo ID. Today, unfortunately, it is not known how many will continue its consideration. We already know, however, that this is to help the team of advisers consisting of experts in law, philosophy and the Internet.

Big controversy

It is worth noting that so-called. “Right to be forgotten” also carries certain risks. You can in fact imagine that now Google start arriving en masse applications, among which will also include conclusions from criminals who want to remove from the Internet any information about their past. Apparently, the UK intends to take advantage of this opportunity politician who was convicted for possession of child pornography.
What do you think?

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    Thursday, May 29, 2014

    The virus “Hahaha” attacking Facebook users! – BBC News

    on Facebook quite often there is malicious software that preys on the ignorance and naivety of users of the portal. This time, the virus spreads via the private messaging titled as “hahaha”. Under no circumstances just click the link!

    class=”embed embedCenter articleEmbedPhoto”>

    src="" title="virus">

    This is the example of the content of the virus. Source: / XsomX


    How infects more computers? Malicious software is distributed in the form of private messages saying “hahaha”. Attached is also a link with evocative names – “Pictr_357.Zip”, “Copy_0027.Zip”, “Image0905.Zip”.

    AVAST fell victim to hackers!

    class=”textContent lead”>

    popular anti-virus software developer – AVAST, fell victim to cybercriminals. Hacked was the main forum for the manufacturer, and the data on 400,000 users fall into the wrong hands. read more

    When you click on the link package will be downloaded to your disk. If you unpack it and run located where the jar file, downloaded from the internet is malicious code that will infect your computer. As a result, our account on Facebook will be sending out similar messages to more people.

    worm was written to Bitcoin mining, which is popular in recent times kryptowaluty. What exactly is it about? The computational power of your computer is used by a hacker to so-called “digging”. In this way, it gains valuable Bitcoiny, which then can sell for real money.
    What if I already clicked on the link? It is urgent to scan your system antivirus software. It should also warn their friends to not clicked on links sent by us – uchronimy the same a similar situation.

    Radom – fourteenth civilian airport in Poland – Republic

    Fig. airport


    Source: Promotional Materials


    Editors recommends:

    • Lotnisko Radom must seek investor

    Radom military airport was officially entered in the Register as the

    fourteenth status port in Poland. It can now sign contracts with carriers and aircraft take

    Everything is ready to welcome passengers – equipped terminal and the service in the relevant practice. Says Tomasz Siwak, President of AP Radom, there is no formal obstacles to the airport operate. The more that object, your usage so far by the military, civilians will now rule.

    – Many years of hard work a success. We received a certificate of public use airports, and today decided that the company Radom Airport became the managing civil-military airport – says Siwak.

    – already launched all safety procedures. There are checkpoints and monitoring – says Mariusz Rusin, Deputy Head of Airport Security Guard. – Our port is no different from any other airport in the world – he adds.

    So far only one investor was and is self-government. The development of civil port city has allocated about 50 million.


    No part or whole songs contained in the log can not be reproduced or further distributed in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical or otherwise, or in any manner) including copy broader digitization, photocopying or copying, including posting on the Internet – without the express written consent of GREMI Business Communication. Any use or the use of songs in whole or in part without permission GREMI Business Communication or authors in violation of the law is forbidden under penalty and may be prosecuted.

    Skype with translator – Republic

    Because Skype uses 300 million users per month

    Because Skype uses 300 million users per month

    Source: 123RF

    class=”fot”> Built-in Skype algorithm easily handles the translation of live conversations

    Built Skype algorithm easily handles the translation of live chats

    Source: press release

    Microsoft wants equip your online instant messenger in an automatic translator. According to the managers of this technology is to abolish the language barrier between Internet users.

    During a conference in California Ranchos Palos Verdes Microsoft chief Satya Nadella announced that Skype Translator beta will go to Windows 8 by the end of this year. It is not known whether it will be a paid or free, or what languages ​​will support.

    – New technology will ensure that everyone will be able to communicate with each without any obstacles – Nadella said.

    also conducted a brief demonstration of the capabilities of the algorithm translator. English speaking Guardeep Pall, vice

    president of Skype talked with German-Diana Heinrichs. Conversation was not too demanding (said of the charms of London), but the translator gave cope well. The next sentences are kept translated from English to German and vice versa. Speech Synthesizer translations read aloud, they were also displayed as text on the screen.

    Video of the presentation German-English translations video chat can be viewed here .

    – We have invested in the technology of speech recognition, automatic translation and learning algorithms ten years of our work – said Pall (the longer the machine is not explained). – This technology in the initial phase, but the vision of the Translator Universal movies series “Star Trek” is not so very distant.

    Translator will be most fully utilized in education and tourism – says Manoj Menon of Frost & Sullivan in an interview with the BBC network. analyst also speculates that the novel feature will better integrate Skype with a social network Yammer – for internal communication in companies.

    – Every day Skype users are in talks lasting a total of 2,000,000,000 minutes. every month 300 million people use our services – Pall advertised.

    Microsoft bought Skype May 10th 2011 for 8.5 billion dollars. then it was one of the most popular online wideokomunikatorów. Though his inclusion in the Windows desktop and mobile version seemed obvious for a long time Microsoft had no idea how to do it. They used this main rivals – primarily Google Talk (later renamed to Hangouts), Facebook Messenger and Apple’s Facetime. Also grew market competition applications for mobile devices – programs such as Tango, Fring and Viber users had time to take part.


    No part or whole songs contained in the log can not be reproduced or further distributed in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical or otherwise, or in any manner) including copy broader digitization, photocopying or copying , including posting on the Internet – without the express written consent of GREMI Business Communication. Any use or the use of songs in whole or in part without permission GREMI Business Communication or authors in violation of the law is forbidden under penalty and may be prosecuted.

    Space cooperation the United States and Russia continues despite the conflict – Newsweek Poland

    Russian spacecraft Soyuz TMA-13M, which took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) new astronauts – a Russian, German and American.

    Soyuz flight lasted about six hours. The ship, on board of which are Russian Maksim Surajew, German Alexander Gerst and American Reid Wiseman, successfully docked to the ISS.

    At the International Space Station waiting for a lot of them work. They include carried out over 100 experiments. Their return to Earth is planned for November. Surajew, Gerst and
    Wiseman will join the current ISS crew – two Russians Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemiewa, and American, Steven Swanson.

    New ISS crew members before launch. From Left to right: Alexander Gerst, Maksim Surajew and Reid Wiseman

    Shamil Zhumatov, Reuters

    New members of the crew of the ISS before launch. From left: Alexander Gerst, Maksim Surajew and Reid Wiseman

    U.S. and Russia, despite tensions between them because of the conflict in Ukraine, continue their cooperation in space. After the withdrawal from service of all the shuttles, NASA does not have its own means of transport astronauts into orbit and consideration must use the services of the Russian Soyuz ships.

    Soyuz docked to the Space Station –

    commander of the Soyuz is a Russian Maksim Surajew; accompanied by Ried Wiseman of NASA and the European Space Agency representing Alexander Gerst from Germany. Previously, all passed crisp Training . It will be part of the so-called Expedition 40, joining the two Russians and an American.

    orbit examine the behavior of the muscles and bones, as well as
    the human mind in terms of delayed communication. Six astronauts will conduct a total of about 100 experiments. Back astronauts scheduled in November.


    The end of the shuttle See the gallery »

    Station, currently consisting of 15 main modules, revolves around the Earth at a speed of almost 8 kilometers per second at an altitude of 370 km. It weighs over 400 tons and with solar panels is the size of a football field.

    Every few weeks is clearly visible from the area of ​​Polish as a bright star , quickly moving across the sky.

    Wednesday, May 28, 2014

    Note on Wikipedia – Practical Medicine

    Scientists in the U.S. have analyzed the password from Wikipedia about 10 diseases and found that 90 per cent. Entries contain errors. For the text of the online encyclopedia should be approached with caution – according to a study, published in the latest issue of the “Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.”

    Scholars compared to medical records from Wikipedia on m . al. heart disease, lung cancer, depression, diabetes, osteoarthritis, back pain, or asthma. According to scientists, most of the articles contain “many mistakes” and is contrary to the latest medical research.

    Wikipedia, which is the sixth in terms of popularity on the web site, contains 30 million passwords in 285 languages. The fact that virtually every Internet user can edit entries, raises concerns about the quality of
    medical texts – write the authors of a study published in the latest issue of the “Journal of the American Osteopathic Association.”

    The survey also shows that Wikipedia uses even 70 percent. doctors and medical students.

    “Patients should not treat Wikipedia as a primary source of information, because there published articles do not pass this verification process, as the texts appearing in scientific journals” – said study author Dr. Robert Hasty of the Carolinas North, quoted by the BBC.

    Wikimedia UK, the British arm of Wikipedia, stated that people who are worried about their health, before searching the web should go to the doctor.

    According to a representative Stevie Benton, Wikimedia UK, there are many initiatives aimed at improving passwords, especially those related to health and medicine. Wikipedia will soon carry out a project under which the editors who know the medicine they choose articles that require amendments, find reliable sources and improve entries – he explained.

    Fig. Margaret Kujawka / Agency Newspaper

    LG officially G3 –

    While weaker smartphone market is besieged, whereas those with higher shelves is less. It is no wonder that LG interested in this sector and with its G3 want to just get there.

    Author class=”image_autor”> LG g3

    few years ago appeared on the market LG G2 and thus it was extracted to the fullest technical innovations itself on the market . No wonder that now we get his rejuvenated versions, which builds on the foundation of the original. An example of this may already be the same shape, slim frame, disputes the screen and buttons on the back.

    The first difference can already be noted in the embodiment, since the G3 rear is covered with something resembling aluminum. Material makes it do not show fingerprints.

    The advantage is also applicable to a memory card slot in all copies G3. Recall that previously only manufactured in Korea and is intended for
    the local market have this type of facilitative.

    Inside this device is inserted battery with a capacity of 3000 mAh . Fortunately, if only we had a problem with her keeping can be quickly replaced by opening the flip. The battery has to sustain the work of the screen with a resolution of 2560 x 1444 with a 5.5-inch diagonal. However, the G3 can work longer without the need to charge introduced a reduced refresh rate.

    On top of that, it is worth noting that the phone has a camera 1 3-megapixel camera with optical stabilization and autofocus laser . The latter is intended to help when shooting in dimly lit places. The camera and recording at a resolution of UHD, and in addition due to the very sensitive microphone and the sound is also at a high level even in noisy environments.

    All the goodies supports Quad Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 801 (MSM8974AC), the timing clock 2 , 5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, the version with 16 GB of built-in memory, or 3 GB of RAM, version with 32 GB of memory on-board. With these parameters, Android 4.4.2 with LG overlay is to perform very well.

    The whole is enclosed in the dimensions of 146.3 × 74.6 × 8.9 mm.

    At the end of Price . 550 euros for a 16-gigabyte versions – 2400 zł, or 600 euros for the equivalent of 32 GB of internal memory (2500-2600 zł). To us the phone will hit in early July and will be available in 5 colors: black, red, white, gold and purple.

    LG G3 – the official presentation of the new flagship –

    May 27, 2014 the light of day saw new flagship smartphone Korean LG G3. Its premiere was held simultaneously in six cities around the world, including New York, Istanbul and London. At the moment it is one of the most powerful devices available on the market.

    heart of the device is a 4-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 801 25 GHz. LG G3 is depending on version 2 GB / 3 RAM (for smartphones with 16/32 GB built-in memory).

    most important element of a

    new “baby” LG is the screen size of 5.5 inches and a resolution of 2560 x 1440, which gives the density of pixels on a cosmic level, even 539 ppi. Despite a sizeable display, the manufacturer has managed to keep a relatively reasonable device dimensions: 146.3 × 74.6 × 8.9 mm – this is almost the same as the 5-inch Xperia Z1.

    battery with a capacity of 3000 mAh can be charged inductively. For fans of photography mobile LG has prepared a matrix camera 13 Mpix and optical image stabilization and the ability to shoot video at a resolution of UHD.

    May 28 will begin selling smartphones in South Korea and systematically be extended by other countries. In the U.S. you can already buy a presale for all major operators.

    Photo: AFP / Reuters

    Monday, May 26, 2014

    In Poland, discovered a new mineral. It was called piławit – Polish Radio

    class=”box” id=”breadCrumbs”> Polish Radio » Wiadomości » Informacje » W Poland discovered a new mineral. It was called piławit

    class=”belt clearfix wrap-info”>


    Michael Chodurski 26.05.2014

     In Poland, discovered a new mineral. piławit It was called id=”photo-author”> photo: East News / Glow Images

    Professor Pieczka led exploration in Lower Silesia, near Dzierzoniow Piława mine belonging to the Lower Silesian Upper Skalnych raw materials. The studies helped him to scientists from the University of Warsaw, Wrocław University, University of Silesia, as well as researchers from Canada.

    A mineral found in rock called pegmatite, at a depth of several meters. Full name of the mineral is “piławit itrowy”, since it contains a rare metal called “itr”. The study included several stages – explains Professor Pieczka Polish Radio – At a time when we have the substance chemically diagnosed, we try to even recognize it structurally – he added.

    And as has been shown, which contains and how it is built piławit is formally confirmed the existence of international experts. This is the fourth new mineral discovered in recent years in Poland – the researchers. Piławitu sample was transferred to the Mineralogical Museum of the University of Wroclaw. Casimir Maslankiewicz.

    Special publication no place renowned magazine “Mineralogical Magazine”.

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    Sunday, May 25, 2014

    Hackers have stolen data of millions of customers eBay! – Polish Radio


    class=”box” id=”breadCrumbs”> Polish Radio » Wiadomości » Informacje » Hakerzy stole the data of millions of customers eBay

    class=”belt clearfix wrap-info”>


    Thomas Owsinski 23.05. 2014

    Hackers have stolen data million in client ó ó on eBay! id=”photo-author”> photo:

    • Hackers have stolen data of millions of customers eBay! Relation Raphael Motriuka (IAR) Dodaj to the playlist

    investigations are initiated on both sides of the Atlantic. A joint investigation informed the U.S. states of Connecticut, Florida and Illinois. About his own investigation also says the UK government, which is to work with its European partners.

    Experts wonder why eBay kept so much data, and why it was allowed to steal phone numbers, dates of birth or postal addresses.

    – The United States has already occurred to the fact that the stolen data were used to take out housing loans through the Internet or large loans, which deceived the person did not even know. It was full of stolen identity – told the BBC former FBI agent EJ Hilbert. Theft of data from the eBay auction could be affected even up to 145 million users.

    Zobacz Gallery: Day in photos >>>

    IAR, it is

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    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    Hackers attacked eBay. Stolen user data – News 24

    authorities eBay announced that the service has become a target of attack by hackers who stole data from user accounts. Internet portal asks users to change their password. The request applies to 145 million people.

     / Fig. To Coolcaesar at en.wikipedia [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http :/ / /)], from Wik Ebay, one of the largest portals offering online auctions fell victim to hackers. The company is only now admitted that there was a burglary which resulted in the stolen database containing information on users – the portal .

    hacker attack occurred at the turn of February and March. The fact was, however, burglary discovered until two

    weeks ago.

    American giant says that stolen were encrypted password . The database also contained the name, address, e – mail address, home address, telephone number and date of birth of customers. As eBay notes, the attacker does not have access to financial data, or credit card numbers and PayPal accounts.

    Hackers gained access to the system after the logins and passwords of employees service with which they got to the company’s internal network. Portal suspects that the terms of access to a VPN (Virtual Private Network) and walking around the internal network.

    I do not know how eBay store the password users. The communication uses the word “encrypted” or “encrypted”.

    EBay said he did not see any suspicious changes in user accounts. The company insists, however, that in any case, customers should change their passwords for access to eBay, as well as to all the sites, which were used with the password.

    It is also unclear whether the stolen database for all customers . Currently the company is working with the police and professionals to rapidly analyze the situation.

    Ebay is the largest online auction site in the world. It was founded on Sept. 3, 1995, by Pierre Omidyar. The company currently operates in 37 countries, in Poland started its activity in 2005

    Sunday, May 18, 2014

    The largest dinosaur discovered the world! Seven stories high! –

    He was forty feet long and twenty meters high – as much as a seven-story building. He belonged to an unknown species of the family titanosaurid. To calculate its mass, it was necessary to accurately

    measure the bone.

    Among other things, the humerus and femur, because it rested on them the whole weight of the body – translators BBC Dr. Diego Pol of the Paleontological Museum in the city of Trelew in Patagonia .

    Dinosaur had to weigh 77 tons – as much as fourteen elephants. The bones found in the desert one of the local farmers. Then he took a matter of paleontologists who unearthed a total of 150 bones belonging to seven different specimens.

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