Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hackers have stolen data of millions of customers eBay! – Polish Radio


class=”box” id=”breadCrumbs”> Polish Radio » Wiadomości » Informacje » Hakerzy stole the data of millions of customers eBay

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Thomas Owsinski 23.05. 2014

Hackers have stolen data million in client ó ó on eBay! id=”photo-author”> photo:

  • Hackers have stolen data of millions of customers eBay! Relation Raphael Motriuka (IAR) Dodaj to the playlist

investigations are initiated on both sides of the Atlantic. A joint investigation informed the U.S. states of Connecticut, Florida and Illinois. About his own investigation also says the UK government, which is to work with its European partners.

Experts wonder why eBay kept so much data, and why it was allowed to steal phone numbers, dates of birth or postal addresses.

– The United States has already occurred to the fact that the stolen data were used to take out housing loans through the Internet or large loans, which deceived the person did not even know. It was full of stolen identity – told the BBC former FBI agent EJ Hilbert. Theft of data from the eBay auction could be affected even up to 145 million users.

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IAR, it is

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