Thursday, May 29, 2014

Skype with translator – Republic

Because Skype uses 300 million users per month

Because Skype uses 300 million users per month

Source: 123RF

class=”fot”> Built-in Skype algorithm easily handles the translation of live conversations

Built Skype algorithm easily handles the translation of live chats

Source: press release

Microsoft wants equip your online instant messenger in an automatic translator. According to the managers of this technology is to abolish the language barrier between Internet users.

During a conference in California Ranchos Palos Verdes Microsoft chief Satya Nadella announced that Skype Translator beta will go to Windows 8 by the end of this year. It is not known whether it will be a paid or free, or what languages ​​will support.

– New technology will ensure that everyone will be able to communicate with each without any obstacles – Nadella said.

also conducted a brief demonstration of the capabilities of the algorithm translator. English speaking Guardeep Pall, vice

president of Skype talked with German-Diana Heinrichs. Conversation was not too demanding (said of the charms of London), but the translator gave cope well. The next sentences are kept translated from English to German and vice versa. Speech Synthesizer translations read aloud, they were also displayed as text on the screen.

Video of the presentation German-English translations video chat can be viewed here .

– We have invested in the technology of speech recognition, automatic translation and learning algorithms ten years of our work – said Pall (the longer the machine is not explained). – This technology in the initial phase, but the vision of the Translator Universal movies series “Star Trek” is not so very distant.

Translator will be most fully utilized in education and tourism – says Manoj Menon of Frost & Sullivan in an interview with the BBC network. analyst also speculates that the novel feature will better integrate Skype with a social network Yammer – for internal communication in companies.

– Every day Skype users are in talks lasting a total of 2,000,000,000 minutes. every month 300 million people use our services – Pall advertised.

Microsoft bought Skype May 10th 2011 for 8.5 billion dollars. then it was one of the most popular online wideokomunikatorów. Though his inclusion in the Windows desktop and mobile version seemed obvious for a long time Microsoft had no idea how to do it. They used this main rivals – primarily Google Talk (later renamed to Hangouts), Facebook Messenger and Apple’s Facetime. Also grew market competition applications for mobile devices – programs such as Tango, Fring and Viber users had time to take part.


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