Fig. Airport-radom.eu
Source: Promotional Materials
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Radom military airport was officially entered in the Register as the
Everything is ready to welcome passengers – equipped terminal and the service in the relevant practice. Says Tomasz Siwak, President of AP Radom, there is no formal obstacles to the airport operate. The more that object, your usage so far by the military, civilians will now rule.
– Many years of hard work a success. We received a certificate of public use airports, and today decided that the company Radom Airport became the managing civil-military airport – says Siwak. – already launched all safety procedures. There are checkpoints and monitoring – says Mariusz Rusin, Deputy Head of Airport Security Guard. – Our port is no different from any other airport in the world – he adds. So far only one investor was and is self-government. The development of civil port city has allocated about 50 million.No part or whole songs contained in the log can not be reproduced or further distributed in any form or by any means (including electronic, mechanical or otherwise, or in any manner) including copy broader digitization, photocopying or copying, including posting on the Internet – without the express written consent of GREMI Business Communication. Any use or the use of songs in whole or in part without permission GREMI Business Communication or authors in violation of the law is forbidden under penalty and may be prosecuted.
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