Home Space colorful universe as seen by Hubble Space Telescope
Color universe as seen by Hubble Space Telescope NASA / ESA
Astronomers from NASA have presented the most comprehensive picture of the evolving universe. Photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope is one of the most colorful deep space images ever managed to get.
Spectacular photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows the universe in the broadest possible way. An unusual effect is achieved by the Hubble study Ultragłębokiego fields. Long-term observation of seemingly empty space fragment allowed to see the stars and galaxies away from Earth billions of lightyears. This particular image, outside of infrared light and visible, record the near ultraviolet – part of the spectrum generated by the hottest, biggest and youngest stars, which has so far not managed to photograph. Studies of this fragment of the sky conducted in the years 2004 – 2009, however, the information collected was not complete. – Lack of information about utrafioletowym light made the study of galaxies using the Hubble Space Telescope looked like so far trying to understand the history family without the knowledge of its youngest members. Data on ultraviolet light complement the missing gap – summed Harry Teplitz from NASA. Observing light waves of this length allows researchers to understand how galaxies grow by creating small collections of very hot stars. Because the Earth’s atmosphere stops most of the UV radiation, this type of research can be carried out only with the use of the telescope, which moves in an orbit around the Earth. Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990. Since that time, is one of the most important tools used in astronomy. Research using the Hubble leads an international team of scientists from NASA and the ESA. The successor to the Hubble Space Telescope will be the James Webb, who will go into orbit in 2018.
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