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Marta Kwaśnicka 06.06.2014
class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> moon and planet Venus seen in the skies over Burlington (Massachusetts, USA). , photo: photo PAP / EPA / CJ GUNTHER
moon on its way to the celestial sphere moves to the background of stars and planets, approaching many of them. These phenomena are often spectacular. – For the next such meeting comes in the night from Saturday to Sunday, when the Moon being the first quarter was still clearly
For the closest approach occurs at 1.31 our time. Then the Silver Globe from the Red Planet will be divided into the distance only 1.5 degrees. From observations it is not worth to wait for such a late hour, because at this time the Moon with Mars are low on the western horizon. – Conjunction better so look out around midnight or a little before her – can the scientist.
This phenomenon is clearly visible to the naked eye. It should, however, use a telescope or a telescope, because thanks to them dojrzymy details of the moon, and the same shield of Mars.
(ew / PAP-Science in Poland)
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